Happy Labor Day!

In the U.S., we are celebrating the Labor Day holiday today, which is a  national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. To continue my own strength, prosperity and well-being, I’m talking today off from blogging today. For all of you celebrating, have a wonderful day!  

By |September 2nd, 2013|Holidays|0 Comments

Happy 4th of July!

Today in America we are celebrating my brother’s 50th birthday! OK, maybe that’s just my family. But we are all celebrating Independence and Freedom. So to all my fabulous readers, I wish you: The freedom found in optimal wellness. The freedom of independent thought to focus on and create the life that you want. The freedom to choose your response rather than just to react. The freedom to choose the foods that you eat and in what quantity. The freedom to move your body in ways that feel good to you The freedom and independence that comes from claiming dominion over your body and mind. Wellness brings freedom. Being healthy helps you connect more with joy and do more of what you love. Choose to pursue optimal wellness and allow your life to keep getting better and better. Sending you all much love and appreciation!

Happy Memorial Day!

I’m taking a day off from blogging to enjoy this beautiful day! And in doing so, I give thanks to all the men and women who have served our country and made this day possible.

By |May 27th, 2013|Holidays|0 Comments

You Only Need One Thing to Make 2013 Your Year!

Happy New Year! You may be spending this day reflecting on 2012, and setting intentions and making resolutions for 2013. Would you consider adding something to your list? How about putting “Love Yourself” at the very top? This is the primary intention I’m setting for myself in 2013. I thought I had “loving myself” down. But as I’ve challenged myself to step up in a big way to better serve you, some of those old, negative voices have resurfaced. My business is expanding rapidly, and I’m learning how to up-level my energy to meet the new flow of clients and income. And this has been a huge gift. Because it is a vivid reminder of the pain I used to feel on a daily basis as I struggled with my weight. Feeling this old self-doubt and self-criticism has absolutely reinforced my focus and commitment to not only step up my own self-love—but to help you Love Your Way Slim. No woman deserves to feel this self-inflicted pain. Fortunately I have the tools, resources, and support to transform my inner critic so that it becomes a powerfully supportive—and loving—ally. There are a lot of misconceptions about self-love. Self-love is not about conceit or thinking you are “higher and mightier” than anyone else. In fact, when you are coming from a true place of self-love, it spills over onto everyone—and everything—else. And a huge bonus! Loving yourself generates positive physical processes that are not only good for your health, but make it easier to release weight. Loving yourself actually inspires loving action—towards yourself and others. When you recognize and acknowledge your own intrinsic value, you automatically see it in others. When you feel an abundance of love there is no need to […]

3 Easy Tips to Create a Slimmer You in 2013

  Over this holiday week, you may have found yourself eating, and eating, and eating! And you may be beating yourself up about it. But telling yourself how horrible you are truly is NOT helpful—and it could very well end up making you feel so bad about yourself that you unknowingly sabotage your future efforts to lose weight.  It will probably go something like this: You feel fat. You may even feel desperate to lose weight. Every time you feel how tight your clothes are, all you can think about is how much you hate your body. You know you need to diet and exercise so that you can drop some weight, but it’s the end of the year, right? Why start now? You make a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight. You decide that on January 2nd you are going to start dieting and exercising. Between now and then you keep eating, and eating, and eating. You are trying to cram in every food you love to prepare for months of hunger and deprivation. You feel bloated, headachy, and slightly sick. And you hate yourself even more. You feel ashamed that you’ve let your weight get out of hand—again. On January 2, you force yourself to work out and you start a diet that drastically cuts the amount of food you’ve been eating. Each day gets harder and harder. Maybe your diet lasts for a day or two, or for a week or two, or maybe you are even successful at meeting your goal. And then you feel your control slip. You just can’t maintain the rigid diet and exercise “rules” you’ve set in place. You’re tired of being hungry. Your tired of feeling […]

Turn Your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight into Reality!

Chances are, losing weight is on your list of New Year’s Resolutions—again! One of the reasons that New Year’s resolutions are often dead by February 1 is that unknowingly, people are focused on what they don’t want. For instance, you may be focused on being too fat, or that you aren’t thin enough, fit enough, or healthy enough. And even though you set the resolution to lose weight, get fit, and healthy, the majority of your thoughts and energy are still focused on the fact that you lack what your resolution is focused on. When you think about the foundation principle that Energy Attracts Like Energy (also known at the Law of Attraction), you can begin to see that thoughts are our mental capital to invest wherever we want, with the dividends being our future life-experiences. For instance, when you invest the majority of your mental capital on the fact that you don’t have the body you want, you are actually building the account that creates more life experiences where you are unhappy with your body. If you invest that mental capital in the belief that your body is already wonderful and is getting better and better, your account includes an increase in life experiences of an ever improving body. The challenge is, it’s often difficult to recognize where you are investing your thoughts. It seems like if you are focused on how much you want to be slim you should get the body you want. No wonder it is incredibly frustrating and discouraging to think you are getting the body you want only to continue to struggle with your weight. But your life experiences—and body—are always letting you know where you are investing most […]

My Wishes For You

  Today I want to say, “Thank You!” Thank you for reading, commenting, and allowing me to be your partner in creating the body you want. Thank you for your friendship, support, and love. Thank you for sharing who you are, and allowing me to share who I am. I honor and appreciate each of you more than you can possibly imagine. You are at the top of my list of appreciation! No matter what holiday you celebrate or beliefs you hold, I want to wish you and yours a day filled with hope, contentment, excitement, happiness, appreciation, joy, and most importantly, love. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Much love and appreciation,       Hanna Goss  

Feel Holiday Abundance to Get the Body You Want

  You are incredibly abundant. Even if you are lonely, have little or no money, are struggling with your body—you are abundant. You have an abundance of air to breathe, the abundance of love in your heart, the abundance of being alive in this moment. While money and gifts are certainly a part of abundance and should be appreciated, there is so much more of life with which to fill our trays. It’s all there waiting for us to look for and allow ourselves to see and receive. Perhaps you have an abundance of family and friends, or an abundance of time in which to reflect, or an abundance of beauty to admire. You may have an abundance of laughter and excitement, or an abundance of peace and quiet. You may have an abundance of parties and commitments, or an abundance of freedom to live and do as you wish. These are things that do not cost money and that nobody else can give you. They are there waiting for you to acknowledge—and thus receive. No matter where you are or what’s going on in your life today, look for and acknowledge your abundance. Feeling abundant is truly part of the magic of the holidays. When you feel abundant, the more abundance you are allowing into your life. It is the Law of Attraction in action. This is the foundation principle that “Energy Attracts Like Energy.” So when you acknowledge your abundance, focus on it, and feel it, the more abundance you are able to see and appreciate. The more abundant you feel. And a significant bonus from feeling abundant is it’s good for your body! Feeling abundant creates positive anabolic energy that releases endorphins, […]

Take Five to Transform Holiday Stress

  “Stress isn’t something that happens to someone. It’s something someone feels about what’s happening. Your capacity to deal with any outer situation is based on your inner perspective. . . How we see ourselves determines everything.” —Bruce D. Schneider   There is a lot about the holidays that can impact people’s wellness. One of the biggest culprits is stress. Holiday stress can come from overeating, or feelings of depression or overwhelment, or challenging relationships, or just too much on your to-do list. Now I’m going to be perfectly honest and authentic with you. I’ve been stressed the last couple of weeks. Oh, it wasn’t the holidays. I’ve learned how to manage getting ready for the holidays in a healthy and balanced way. None-the-less, for the first time in two years, I found myself stressed and I didn’t listen to my body when it was telling me to slow down. As a result, I’m just now getting over a cold that I had for weeks. Believe me, the irony of that was not lost on me every day when I was writing my blogs! The thing is, your wellness and finding balance in your life is never done. You’re not likely get to a place where you can slap your hands together and say, “Woo hoo! I can check wellness off my list of things to do. Thank goodness I’ll never have any more stress again.” New things will come along that you have to make adjustments for and that require re-finding your balance. That is part of the evolution of life. So what threw me into serious stress mode? It was taking my business to the next level by launching my new brand and […]

By |December 22nd, 2012|Holidays, Stress|0 Comments

Simple Tips to Do Now to Make Your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight a Reality

  Many of you may be hitting the road over the next few days to celebrate Christmas or New Year’s with family or friends. Travel can be one of the hardest times for people to maintain their health and wellness. Throw in holiday stress, and many give up all together. Instead, you may fall into the pies, cookies, and other holiday treats, resolving to lose weight come January 2. But how’s that worked out for you in the past? Chances are you started out strong enough. You may have joined a gym or begun an exercise program. Maybe you beat the odds and kept it going for a month or two—or even met your weight-loss goal. But then the weight crept back on and here you are at the holidays resolving to lose weight—again. What if you could make some simple changes now that would improve your chances of successfully losing the weight—and keeping it off—in the New Year? What if: It’s easier than you currently believe? You can still eat everything you really want? The confidence you generate now will help fuel your success come January 2? Many people are so focused on the time that they don’t have that they miss all the small opportunities they do have to work physical and emotional wellness into their day. Here are some practical tips that will help you maintain your wellness while traveling—or while dealing with holiday stress—and give you a head-start on getting the body you want come January. Eat Only What You Love Let’s face it. Not everything is calorie worthy. If it’s not curl your toes and satisfy your soul delicious—don’t eat it. Be discerning about what you are going to indulge […]

By |December 20th, 2012|Holidays|0 Comments