3 Tips to Feel Fabulous On the Way To Getting the Body You Want

Note From Hanna  Satisfied.  That’s how I want to feel in 2014. Sure I’ve set goals and have a vision for what I will “do” this year, but each of those things will make me feel satisfied. How will I feel when I finish writing my book? Satisfied. How will I feel when I increase my strength and stamina? Satisfied. How will I feel as I offer significant value to my clients? Satisfied. This is that deep in your gut, connected to Source, juicy and delicious feeling of satisfaction. It is job well done. It is appreciation for every step of the journey. It is total and complete fulfillment. And it is that feeling that will turbo charge my ability to meet my goals. Setting the goal to create the body you want is not enough. Use the emotion of how reaching that goal will feel to fuel your resolve, uncover solutions, and inspire the absolute perfect actions. That’s one of the things that has been missing from every diet and exercise program you have ever tried. How will creating the healthy, strong, and slim body you want make you feel? Email me and let me know. With much love and appreciation,   Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP Wellness Tip of the Weekend Will losing weight make you feel confident? Empowered? Sexy? Feel that way right now and boost your weight loss efforts. Courses & Offerings Kick Off Seminar January 14, 2014 Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program Make this the LAST year you set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Take a Spiritual Adventure instead! Love Your Way Slim is revolutionary program that transforms your mindset, integrates your core values and spiritual beliefs, and hones in on the most powerful actions you can take to make releasing the weight not only easy and satisfying . . . . but dare […]

5 Easy Tips to Help Revolutionize Your New Year’s Resolution to Get the Body You Want

Let’s face it. You’re probably NOT going to start a new eating or exercise program before January 1st. But you CAN drastically increase the chances that this will be the last year losing weight is on your list of New Year’s resolutions. And it can take as little as 5 minutes a day. You can do this by beginning to create new mental habits right now Why is this important? Because most of what makes releasing weight “hard” are your current mental habits. If you are struggling to release weight, I can guarantee that you have been thinking thoughts about how hard it is to lose weight for so long that you don’t even realize there’s another way to look at it. You have practiced dreading dieting. You have developed a mental habit about exercise that is NOT serving you. (Just because that has been your experience in the past do NOT mean it has to be your reality moving forward!) While you can move forward and force yourself to lose weight while you are in this negative rut, consciously shifting to positive thoughts before you begin is like putting on rocket boosters. Not only is your power to get things done greater, but it’s easier and more fun. Just think about how much you get done when you are excited, eager, and looking forward to something. Now think about how hard it is to make progress when you are dreading something, don’t want to do it, resent it, etc. Truly, these are just some habits of thought you have going on. And thoughts are made of energy, not marble. They can be changed! Positive thoughts result in emotions that feel good that lead to inspired […]

A New Thought to Create a New You

  “I don’t like vegetables.” A client said this to me the other day. I have found that this is a pretty common sentiment among women who have struggled with their weight. You may have a lifetime of evidence that most vegetables are, “Blagh.” When you go on a diet or try to eat healthier, you may take vegetables like medicine, forcing yourself to eat them. Meal times become something to endure rather to savor. At the very least, those meals are not soul-satisfying. And here you are trying to fulfill your resolution to lose weight in January—what many feel is the peak of the winter-vegetable doldrums. Is it any wonder that so many resolutions fail? What if you are dealing with a limiting belief? What if you could shift your perspective about vegetables just enough that you could see a path around this obstacle to create the radiantly healthy body you want? One way to do this is to think about how you could make eating vegetables fun. This might look like: Trying new recipes Adding a cup of spinach to your smoothie Experimenting with vegetables you’ve never tried before What if you could prove to yourself that you actually do enjoy vegetables in some form or fashion? Maybe even love some of them? How might that alter your success at releasing the weight–for good? How often do we limit ourselves because of an opinion, judgment, thought, idea, or past experience that we just assume is absolutely and completely True? For instance, how many of you have ever heard, “You have to clean your plate because there are starving children somewhere in the world?” Do you think that’s a limiting belief? How true is it that your cleaning […]

Slow and Steady Wins the Weight-Loss Race—For Good!

  How are those New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight coming? Are you still plugging away? Can you feel them starting to waiver? Or have they been put aside to show up on next year’s list? One of the things that can cause people to pass on meeting their wellness goals is the overwhelming feeling that can come from trying to go from holiday-treat-eating coach-potato to food-measuring athlete all at once. There really is no rule that says you have to change all of your behaviors at once to succeed. I didn’t. Four years ago, for various reasons I went from a runner to a walker to not doing any exercise at all. During that period of inactivity, I didn’t curb my eating and pretty quickly reached my heaviest weight ever. I found myself starting over with exercise and losing weight—again. And it did NOT feel good. While I hated where I was, I just couldn’t seem to find the energy to get out of bed and move. So what changed? How did I get going? I first started mentally preparing. These mental preparations did include mentally visualizing me moving my body, but most importantly, they were a conscious effort to change my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. You see, I was spending a whole lot of my mental energy feeling like a failure. Here I was in this place of starting over—again! I knew how to diet and exercise, yet, I had failed. Surly this meant I was a weak person, or a slacker, or was somehow inherently flawed. Those beliefs were not getting me anywhere. In fact, they were keeping me stuck in the spiral of shame and self-loathing that I thought losing weight would […]

Feel Fabulous On the Way to Getting the Body You Want

  Often when we set the New Year’s resolution to lose weight, the underlying thought behind the goal is, “I will be happy when I am slim.” But it’s backwards. You have to start feeling happy now. As much as possible, feel the emotion that you think being slim will give you. Feeling that emotion right now will actually help turbocharge your efforts to get the body you want. And it will make the process of releasing the weight fun. (Yes, it really is possible to enjoy getting the body you want!) It was a huge change for me when I shifted my thinking from, “I will be happy when I lose weight,” to “I will be happy now and enjoy the process of releasing my weight.” Huge not in that making this shift was difficult, but huge in the impact it had on my life. One way to make this shift is to think about how being at your ideal weight would make you feel. Will losing weight make you feel confident? Empowered? Sexy? This emotion is key. It is this emotion that you are truly after. You just think that losing weight is the route to getting that emotion. One reason tapping into that emotion is so powerful is because you harness all of your energy in the present instead of siphoning it off to some future time or event. Shifting your energy from the future to now is like going from driving with bald tires in the snow to having snow tires, chains, and all-wheel drive. It gives you traction, power, and momentum to reach your goals.  How awesome is it that you can feel the way being slim would make you […]

Test if Your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight is Heading for Success or Failure

  Have you made a list of things you want to achieve in 2013? Chances are you made a resolution or two. One of them was probably to lose weight. Today, you may be fired up to get to the gym or to start that new diet. If so, Woo Hoo! Deciding to change is a huge step. Let’s harness that positive energy you are feeling right now and keep it going! And if you are dreading being hungry and feeling deprived, and hate the idea of working out, that’s OK. You are where you are. Let’s begin to shift your energy to make your goal more appealing, and thus achievable. No matter where you are, look at your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and see if they are supporting your new actions, or if they are setting you up to fail. For instance, how sustainable will your commitment to workout be if you are thinking thoughts like: “I hate exercise.” “I hate to sweat. “I have to work out perfectly everyday or there’s no sense in doing it.” “Exercise is no fun.” “I am hating every moment of this. Those kinds of thoughts will ensure you give up on your resolution. You can tell by how they make you feel. How much do they fuel your belief that you can meet your goal? What outcome are they pointing towards? Chances are if you’re thinking thoughts like these, you can’t jump right away to the idea that, “exercise is fun and you love it.” How honest does that feel? So begin by easing up on your thoughts just a little bit. For instance: “This may be hard, but I really want to meet my goal.” “I know […]

You Only Need One Thing to Make 2013 Your Year!

Happy New Year! You may be spending this day reflecting on 2012, and setting intentions and making resolutions for 2013. Would you consider adding something to your list? How about putting “Love Yourself” at the very top? This is the primary intention I’m setting for myself in 2013. I thought I had “loving myself” down. But as I’ve challenged myself to step up in a big way to better serve you, some of those old, negative voices have resurfaced. My business is expanding rapidly, and I’m learning how to up-level my energy to meet the new flow of clients and income. And this has been a huge gift. Because it is a vivid reminder of the pain I used to feel on a daily basis as I struggled with my weight. Feeling this old self-doubt and self-criticism has absolutely reinforced my focus and commitment to not only step up my own self-love—but to help you Love Your Way Slim. No woman deserves to feel this self-inflicted pain. Fortunately I have the tools, resources, and support to transform my inner critic so that it becomes a powerfully supportive—and loving—ally. There are a lot of misconceptions about self-love. Self-love is not about conceit or thinking you are “higher and mightier” than anyone else. In fact, when you are coming from a true place of self-love, it spills over onto everyone—and everything—else. And a huge bonus! Loving yourself generates positive physical processes that are not only good for your health, but make it easier to release weight. Loving yourself actually inspires loving action—towards yourself and others. When you recognize and acknowledge your own intrinsic value, you automatically see it in others. When you feel an abundance of love there is no need to […]