Seek In-Dependence on this July 4th!

Happy 4th of July! Today in America we are celebrating Independence and Freedom. But I have a radical suggestion. Today focus on how your In-Dependence creates your freedom. Your inner-dependence creates your connection to Source, and establishes strength of thought and focus. Through In-Dependence you find: The freedom of optimal wellness. The freedom to focus on and create the life that you want. The freedom to choose your response rather than just to react. The freedom to choose the foods that you eat and in what quantity–and enjoy them or not! The freedom to move your body in ways that feel good to you The freedom that comes from claiming dominion over your body and mind. Wellness brings freedom. Being healthy helps you connect more with joy and do more of what you love. On this In-Dependence Day, choose to pursue optimal wellness and allow your life to keep getting better and better. Sending you all much love and appreciation and wishes for a Happy July 4th!

Happy 4th of July!

Today in America we are celebrating my brother’s 50th birthday! OK, maybe that’s just my family. But we are all celebrating Independence and Freedom. So to all my fabulous readers, I wish you: The freedom found in optimal wellness. The freedom of independent thought to focus on and create the life that you want. The freedom to choose your response rather than just to react. The freedom to choose the foods that you eat and in what quantity. The freedom to move your body in ways that feel good to you The freedom and independence that comes from claiming dominion over your body and mind. Wellness brings freedom. Being healthy helps you connect more with joy and do more of what you love. Choose to pursue optimal wellness and allow your life to keep getting better and better. Sending you all much love and appreciation!

Find Your In-Dependence on Independence Day

“When I lose 30 pounds, then I will be free.” “Once I lose the weight, I can enjoy my life.” “Once I’m a certain size, I will _____________ (fill in the blank—go to the beach, take that class, take that trip, etc., etc.)” These are common things I hear from clients who are putting off their happiness, joy, and freedom—truly living their life—until that day when they are that magic size and all will be right with the world. But the sad truth is, unless you change on the inside—even if you are able to meet your goal—you probably won’t feel any different. You might not even look different to yourself. You will not have found freedom, joy, or happiness—because you are seeking it in the wrong place. “No amount of money, no circumstance, and no person can create the feeling of freedom you long for.” ~Kendra E. Thornbury This includes having a magic number on the scale, or a certain pant size, or even body fat percentage. The change you are seeking must come from the inside. Truly, what you are seeking is In-Dependence. In-Dependence is tapping into your highest power (God, Source, the Universe, All-That-Is), which can only be found inside. Truly, Source is the source of the freedom, joy, or happiness that you are seeking. As long as you are looking outside of yourself for people, circumstances, or events to provide these, you will always be seeking. You will never lose enough weight to give you the freedom, joy, or happiness you long for. And the irony? When you tap into that internal Source and find your freedom, joy, and happiness—regardless of what is going on in your life or what anyone […]

Claim Your In-Dependence to Release the Weight—for Good!

  Have you ever lost a lot of weight and when you looked in the mirror still seen yourself as fat? How long did it take before you regained the weight? The truth is, if you don’t make the changes on the inside the weight comes back. You will not have found the freedom, joy, or happiness that you thought you would get from losing the weight because you are seeking those things in the wrong place. This is at the heart of why a significant majority of diet and exercise programs fail long-term The physical change alone is not enough. The change you are seeking must come from the inside. Truly, what you are seeking is In-Dependence. In other words, dependence on your own inner guidance and wisdom, which is linked to All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you.) And the irony is, when you become In-Dependent (dependent on your own inner guidance), the weight is easier to release—and maintain. You get the body you want. Your success, self-worth, and self-love is not dependent on anyone—or anything—else. The Source of freedom, love, wellness, appreciation, abundance can only be found inside. This means that you have to stop looking outside of yourself for people or circumstances to change, and instead seek the feeling that you think the weight loss will give you. That positive feeling is your guidance letting you know you are headed toward what you want. The disbelief and fear (negative emotion) is your guidance that you are moving away from what you want. The first step in creating In-Dependence and learning to follow your inner guidance is to identify and articulate what you really want. Ask yourself: What […]

Celebrating the Best Advocate for Your Optimal Wellness

  Today in America, we are celebrating the life of a man who in part stood for freedom, self-expression, personal rights, passion, and advocacy. While many salute the man and his message, many do not fully claim their rights in how they live their daily lives. If you do not have optimal wellness, you do not have freedom. How can you pursue and live the life of your dreams if you don’t feel physically well? Most women unknowingly give away their personal power when it comes to their wellness and bodies. You look to others to tell you how to eat, and may even force yourself to eat foods you hate to try to lose weight. You look to others to tell you how to move your body, and ignore the signals and messages your body is giving you. You look to the scale to give you self-esteem. You negatively compare yourself to fashion models, and ignore your own beauty. You buy-into the belief that aging is the root cause of your lack of wellness, and ignore the years and years you have not engaged your power to eat healthy foods and move your body. You allow a few past criticisms to become a chorus of potential judgments that rob you of the joy of frolicking in a swimsuit, or wearing the clothes you want to wear, or fully expressing your feminine power. You have forgotten that optimal wellness is your birthright. Loving your body and creating optimal wellness is not something that anyone else can give you. You must be the advocate for your wellness and well-being. You must take a stand for your right to be healthy. You must champion your freedom to […]

Open Your Heart to Get the Body You Want

  Have you ever shut your heart to someone? I know I have. Withholding love is a very common reaction when people are not living up to your expectations, or you truly believe what they are doing is wrong. With what happened in Connecticut last week, you may believe that there are things that people have done that are plain unforgivable. It can be easy to feel justified in judging the culprit as unworthy of your love. I totally get that. When I was a kid, I was emotionally and physically abused by my father. And I doubt that many people had any idea of the pain being inflicted on me, my mother, and brothers behind closed doors. It took him almost killing my mother one night for us to find the courage to leave him. At the age of 15, I severed all connections with my father. I think most people would say I was justified in withholding love from him. And I did for a long time. While it was the absolute best decision I could have made to protect myself from any future physical and emotional harm, not forgiving him only hurt me.   “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” –Buddha   Shutting your heart down—even for the best of reasons—does not actually punish the other person. And it is far more detrimental to you. The negative reaction is felt in your body, not theirs. And it is causing you physical harm. This is why practicing forgiveness and unconditional love is so powerful. By allowing yourself to give love—no matter what—you’re providing […]

Happy 4th of July!

Today in America we are celebrating Independence and Freedom. So to all my fabulous readers, I wish you: The freedom found in optimal wellness. The freedom of independent thought to focus on and create the life that you want. The freedom to choose your response rather than just to react. The freedom to choose the foods that you eat and in what quantity. The freedom to move your body in ways that feel good to you The freedom and independence that comes from claiming dominion over your body and mind. Health brings freedom. Feeling well helps you connect more with joy and do more of what you love. Allow your life to keep getting better. One a personal note, I would also like to wish my brother, Richard, a very happy birthday. Sending you much love!

By |July 4th, 2012|Freedom|6 Comments