Find Your In-Dependence

“When I lose 30 pounds, then I will be free.”   “Once I lose the weight, I can enjoy my life.”   “Once I’m a certain size, I will _____________ (fill in the blank—go to the beach, take that class, take that trip, etc., etc.”   These are common things I hear from clients who are putting off their happiness, joy, freedom—truly living their life—until that miraculous day when they are the magic size and all will be right with the world. But the sad truth is, unless you change on the inside, even if you are able to meet your goal, you probably won’t feel any different. You might not even look different to yourself. You will not have found freedom, joy, or happiness–because you are seeking it in the wrong place. As the fabulous Kendra Thornbury reminded me in her blog this morning, “No amount of money, no circumstance, and no person can create the feeling of freedom you long for.” This includes having a magic number on the scale, or a certain pant size, or even body fat percentage. The change you are seeking must come from the inside. Truly, what you are seeking is In-Dependence. To quote Kendra again: “While many of you are walking around disguised as free beings, in truth, you are still dependent on certain things happening in order to feel free.   Your joy, prosperity, peace — are contingent on something outside of you.   This is NOT freedom.   When your freedom depends on the external, you are still trapped.” ____________________________ Attempting to shift circumstances to feel free is a temporary solution.   And waiting for what is going on outside of you to change keeps […]

By |July 5th, 2012|Belief, Spirit|2 Comments

Take A Step Towards Relief

How do you feel most of the time? Are you joyful, appreciative, content, and hopeful? Or are you frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, and maybe even depressed? Is there connection between how you feel most of the time and how you see the world? If you don’t think so, I’d ask you to think again! Every feeling you have is either a derivative of love or fear. Like opposite ends of a magnet, the feelings that you have are moving you closer to one pole or the other. Where you spend most of your time is reflected in how you experience life. While many people think their feelings are out of their control, this isn’t actually the case. What you are feeling is tied directly to what you are thinking. You may believe that what you are thinking about a situation is etched in stone. The situation is the situation after all. It’s either good or bad, right? How could you possibly think something different about it? You begin to take control of your thoughts and emotions when you recognize that what you think and feel is a choice. This doesn’t mean that you won’t face a situation that feels so bad that changing your thoughts simply is not an option in the moment. I would say it is pretty impossible to look at a child or animal that is suffering and change your thoughts in the moment to be all holly jolly. And I don’t think you’re meant to do that. But the solution will not be found in continuing to focus on the problem. People tend to just lock on to how horrible the problem is, and like passing a wreck on the highway, they […]

You Have the Keys to the Queendom

Here are the top 10 ways people give away their power: 1. Asking others what they should do. 2. Thinking God decides who gets what. 3. Worrying about how their dream will come true. 4. Thinking they have dues to pay. 5. Attaching to unimportant details and outcomes. 6. Believing in soul mates. 7. Thinking karma or spiritual contracts are absolute. 8. Fear of anything, especially falling in love. 9. Waiting for their ducks to line up before acting. 10. Choosing to be unhappy. Understand the truth, little bird, and you will soar. Caw-caw, The Universe To be happy or not is always a choice.     Do you think it’s hard to make changes on the inside? Do you believe your life is somehow separate from your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs? Do you feel that those negative internal patterns are stronger and more powerful than your desire to change? These are all signs that you are not being the leader of your body and life. It’s time to step into your role as the alpha female of you. It’s time to accept your power. You are hereby granted sole proprietorship of your inner Queendom. The key is deciding–deciding to take responsibility, deciding if it’s going to be hard or easy, deciding to be steadfast and persistent in your internal leadership role. The internal changes may not be instantaneous, but little-by-little, decision-by-decision, moment-by-moment, each time you focus on what you want, who you want to be, and how you want to live your life and then make the decision to reach for that regardless of the fear or negative self-talk, you will be changing your interior landscape to one that will support and celebrate your […]

I’m Healthy and I Know It!

Last night after brushing our very furry Keeshond dogs, I picked up the grooming table to put it away and dropped it on the ball-joint of my foot. To say it hurt is an understatement. It hurt so much, in fact, that I thought I had broken it. After hearing the crash and racing up the stairs, my fabulous husband found me writhing on the floor with my foot already turning dark shades. Remembering the RICE rule (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation), David immediately got me up on the sofa to ice and elevate my foot. Once the initial wave of pain eased, I hobbled into the bedroom where I remained for the rest of the night. For about the first 20 minutes, I lay there trying to think about how I could alter my exercise routine to work around my injury. As I pushed myself up to a sitting position to take some Advil, I realized I’d also hurt my hand. As if reading my mind, David said, “I think it’s safe to say this is going to impact your workout routine.” In the past, this is where I would have started freaking out. Visions of backsliding and weight gain would have filled my mind. I would have been totally focused on the worst-case scenario. Ahh, I love how much I have changed. Instead, I made peace with it, started looking for the opportunities, and invited in wellness. My thoughts went something like this: This is temporary. I will heal and recover and I will be working out to full capacity again in no time. And there will be a lot of opportunities to get creative with how I move my body. Just because I’m […]

Sharing A Prosperity Blessing

One of the first things I do every morning is read inspirational emails from a number of my favorite teachers. Today, before I headed upstairs for my workout, I read Veronica Hay’s Prosperity Blessing, which was shared by Bob Proctor in his Insight of the Day. Abundance and prosperity–which are indeed a part of optimal wellness–have been on my mind a lot lately, and this blessing captured how I woke up feeling. Since these are the wishes I have for you, I am sharing her wonderful words. May you be blessed with an amazingly abundant day today! May the clouds break and the heavens pour down upon you more joy, more love, more laughter and more money than you could have ever dreamed of. May the sun shine its golden light of prosperity through every cell of your extraordinary body. May you be cleansed today of any resistance or feelings of unworthiness that you may still be holding onto. May your false illusions of doubt, fear and scarcity gently fall away like soft white feathers on a gentle breeze. May you be willing, simply willing, to allow the Universe to shower you with miracles today. May the Angels wrap you in their shining wings of opulence. May the fairies deliver you to their pot of gold at the end of a majestic rainbow. May your eyes shine with the glorious truth of who you really are and may that truth uplift others in your presence to their own inner knowing. May your ears hear the sound of perfection ringing in your soul. May you taste the deliciousness of every precious bite of life as your day unfolds moment by moment with amazing grace, heartfelt love […]

Do You Believe That’s Possible?

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know that how bad things may look right now means nothing. It’s how good you know they can look with God’s help that counts. Neale Donald Walsch Are you focused on the problem or are you focused on expanding your belief and knowing that everything is always working out for you? If you said, “Yes, but” or wanted to explain to me how things really aren’t working out for you, then you’re focused on the problem. And you are getting more of what you’re focused on. Achieving anything first begins with the belief that it is possible. If you don’t believe it, how hard are you going to work? How much are you willing to try before you give up? How much will you sabotage your own efforts to prove yourself right? One of the most famous examples of this is Thomas Edison. It would take him almost two years of failed attempts, new discoveries and prototypes before he would find success in creating the carbon filament light bulb. After Edison’s seven-hundredth unsuccessful attempt, he was asked by a New York Times reporter, “How does it feel to have failed 700 times?” He responded, “I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.” It is said he tried over 6,000 different carbonized plant fibers looking for a carbon filament for his light bulb. Do you think he would have continued undaunted if he didn’t believe that he would ultimately find the […]