Don’t Fear the Joy!

  “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” Albert Einstein What if the entire Universe is conspiring on your behalf? What if you have tribes of Universal cheerleaders supporting you in every conceivable way? What if no matter what may be happening in your life right now, everything is playing in your favor? If you fully accepted that this is a friendly Universe, would you give up a little control? If you knew everything was working out for you, would you relax and let go of fear? Would you allow yourself to have more fun? Would you allow yourself to take more risks? If you believe that this is a hostile Universe, letting go of control can be one of the scariest things you can do. It’s like putting yourself at the mercy of the enemy. I know because I used to believe the Universe was out to get me. I couldn’t get a break. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I was a victim to people and situations. It wasn’t until I began giving up control, surrendering, and trusting my well-being that I began to fully experience the support that was there all along. It’s one of those dichotomy’s of life: You have to give up control to gain it. You have to feel appreciated to be able to receive the appreciation of another. You have to feel beautiful before you can hear and believe the compliments you are given. Whatever you believe—the Universe will provide you evidence of that belief. Open your mind and look for all the reasons everything is working out for you instead of all the reasons it isn’t. Make lists of […]

By |March 22nd, 2014|Belief, Support|0 Comments

How the Abundance of the Holidays Can Help You Get the Body You Want

It’s the season of believing. And believe it or not . . .  YOU are incredibly abundant. Even if you are lonely, have little or no money, are struggling with your body—you are abundant. You have an abundance of air to breathe, the abundance of love in your heart, the abundance of being alive in this moment. While money and gifts are certainly a part of abundance and should be appreciated, there is so much more of life with which to fill our trays. It’s all there waiting for us to look for and allow ourselves to see and receive. Perhaps you have an abundance of family and friends, or an abundance of time in which to reflect, or an abundance of beauty to admire. You may have an abundance of laughter and excitement, or an abundance of peace and quiet. You may have an abundance of parties and commitments, or an abundance of freedom to live and do as you wish. These are things that do not cost money and that nobody else can give you. They are there waiting for you to acknowledge—and thus receive. No matter where you are or what’s going on in your life today, look for and acknowledge your abundance. Feeling abundant is truly part of the magic of the holidays. When you feel abundant, the more abundance you are allowing into your life. It is the Law of Attraction in action. This is the foundation principle that “Energy Attracts Like Energy.” So when you acknowledge your abundance, focus on it, and feel it, the more abundance you are able to see and appreciate. The more abundant you feel. Bonus! Feeling abundant is it’s good for your body! Feeling […]

By |December 18th, 2013|Belief, Holidays|2 Comments

Tips to Increase Your Momentum Towards Meeting Your Wellness Goals

While I’m in Charleston, South Carolina, for a retreat, I’m sharing some of my favorite blogs from the past. One of the ways I used to trip myself up was to second-guess everything I was doing. While doing one workout, I was wondering if another might be better. I’d spend a lot of mental energy debating between taking the elevator or stairs, and mentally chastise myself over what I ate. Being wishy-washy about your decisions—or downright critical—is the mental equivalent of letting the air out of your tires. It is an energetic leak that will slow the success you really want. While debating your decision when the choices are fairly similar will slow your progress, you will give yourself a flat tire in a second if you choose something you believe is actually harmful. Negative thoughts and emotion can literally impact your metabolism and other weight-related systems making it easier to gain and harder to release weight. Actually doing the action you believe to be detrimental—and the resulting guilt, shame, etc.—increases the negative effects. Remember this the next time you are having a thought such as, “That cake is so fattening. I really shouldn’t eat it,” or “I know fried chicken is bad, bad, bad.” Don’t eat it! Unless you can soften your thoughts and beliefs about it, pick something else! Every action is preceded by a thought and belief, all of which have energy. Think of each step as increasing your momentum. Aligning the energy of a thought . . . with the energy of a belief . . .  AND the energy of your action in the direction of your goal is like a train gaining speed towards your destination. It has the full […]

Your Guarantee to Get the Body You Want

What if you knew that: Your goal of getting slim was supported by the power of the entire Universe? The Creator of Everything is aware of the body you are going for and wants you to have it? Your Higher Coach is providing you with everything you need to make your fit, strong, and slim body a reality? If you not only believed that, but you KNEW it in your heart: Would you let go of doubt? Would you let go of fear? Would you give releasing the weight your all knowing that what you put energy into is guaranteed to succeed? Would you see the opportunities in obstacles instead of giving up? What if that doubt and fear is all that’s keeping you from creating the body—and life—of your dreams? The gap between where you are now and your releasing the weight—for good—is one of allowing yourself to believe not only that it’s possible, but that it’s guaranteed. That’s how close you are to the healthy, slim, and sexy body of your dreams. You are one belief away. Can you see how your beliefs impact your actions? It is because you don’t believe your are worthy of getting the body you want that a part of you holds back. That you get discouraged. That you believe getting the body you want is impossible. A belief is just a thought you keep thinking. And you can change it! Beging to practice feeling confident, assured, and supported. Do that by remembering how feeling confident and supported feels. Think of times you have felt that way. Imagine how feeling that way feels. Train your mind to begin to look for and expect your success.  Notice how that impacts your actions–and your results. Together […]

By |July 26th, 2013|Belief, Change, Decide|0 Comments

Now is the Perfect Time to Get the Body You Want

Are you proud of the self-care you implemented over the July 4th holiday weekend . . . or are you beating yourself up? If you took great care of yourself . . . awesome! Congratulations! You must feel fabulous! If you are beating yourself up, pay attention to what you are saying to yourself. If it’s just a little–“I shouldn’t have eaten that. Oh well.”—chances are you’ll easily be able to get back on your wellness track. But if you have yourself under full attack, you are in danger of derailing your progress. Warning signs are saying things to yourself like: “I am so weak.” “I’m so stupid.” “I’m ugly.” “I’m fat.” “I hate my body.”  You are saying things that are totally and completely UNTRUE! You saying things to yourself that you would never say to anyone else. It is a painful place to be. I love the Dan Millman quote: “You began life with a natural, complete sense of worth. (Have you ever met an infant with self-worth issues?) But as you grow, you serve as your own judge, deducting points when you misunderstand the nature of living, and learning—when you forget you are a human-in-training and that making mistakes and having slips of integrity and mediocre moments are a part of life, not unforgivable sins.” Let me repeat the key sentence: “Making mistakes and having slips of integrity and mediocre moments are a part of life, not unforgivable sins.” This absolutely includes eating what you judge to be “bad” over the holiday weekend or on vacation. Or not being at what you feel is your optimal weight. Or not looking like a super model. Beating yourself up is NOT helpful. And it could very […]

By |July 8th, 2013|Belief, Body|0 Comments

How to Get the Body You Deserve

  Do you believe that you deserve to have the body you want? If you are stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle, chances are you cannot answer with an emphatic, “YES!” There can be a lot of reasons for this. You may feel that you have to take care of everyone else first. You may be afraid that people won’t like you—or will judge you in some way—if you are too slim. You may feel it is literally unsafe to be attractive due to past experiences. Etc. As long as you don’t believe that you deserve to have the body you want—that it is your absolute right to be healthy, strong, and slim—you will continue to unknowingly sabotage your weight-loss efforts. You do this by: Telling yourself you don’t have the time or energy to eat healthy foods or move your body. Perpetuating thoughts like, “I don’t like to exercise,”or “I hate vegetables.” Convincing yourself, “This is just who I am.” Oh, I totally get it. These thoughts feel real. They feel like truth. But I guarantee that if you begin to change your underlying belief that your perspective on all the things holding you back would begin to change, too. You would begin to see the truth that taking the time for self-care results in you having more energy to get things done in less time. You would begin to see that there is some way of moving your body that you find fun! You would acknowledge that there are a few vegetables that you actually do like, and you would be willing to experiment to find foods and cooking methods that are not only healthy, but that you and your family find delicious. You would […]

By |May 29th, 2013|Belief|0 Comments

The BS Keeping You From Releasing the Weight—For Good

  Can you look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I love you” and really mean it? If it feels like anything less than complete and total Truth, you are dealing with your own BS—Belief Systems. “A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.” ~Abraham-Hicks To get the body you want, you have to let go of the BS literally weighing you down! It may be beliefs such as: My body is flawed. It just doesn’t work like everyone else’s. I can look at chocolate cake and gain weight. I hate to exercise. Healthy food doesn’t taste good. I don’t like vegetables. I am fat because I love to eat. I have to diet and exercise perfectly or I might as well give up. I can’t stop at just one. I have no self-control. I just haven’t found the “right” diet or exercise program. Get the picture? If you are struggling with losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again, I can guarantee that you have some BS that you need to clean up to break the rebound weight-gain cycle—for good! At the root of the BS keeping you fat is that you should not love . . . you! Women stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle often struggle to look themselves in the eye and say anything positive. All they can see is their flaws. When they try to say positive affirmations about themselves or their bodies it feels like a big fat lie. You must learn to love yourself first. Far from being a selfish act, self-love gives you the energy and empowerment to be more self-less. This is true because All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) […]

By |May 24th, 2013|Belief|0 Comments

What’s Literally Weighing You Down?

  Does a part of you believe that you need a personal chef to lose weight? Or you have to hire a personal trainer to get in great shape? If only you weren’t so busy, you could have the body you want? Most women believe that time and money are their biggest obstacles to being slim. I’m going to give you a bit of tough love here. These are just excuses. If having the money to hire a personal chef and trainer were the answer, then Oprah would be slim. If being busy was a valid reason for being overweight then it would not be possible for any woman who is busy to be slim. And I can guarantee you that there are a lot of women out there who are busier than you who have learned that to give life their all, self-care has to be their number 1 priority. The true obstacles to your releasing the weight—for good—are what’s going on the inside. There can be a lot of internal blocks to your achieving your wellness goals. You may have just accepted the belief so deeply that you can’t work around time and money—or any other limitations—that you literally can’t see the solutions, even if they are right in front of you. Someone may have said something to you in the past, or you may have read someone else’s opinion or judgment that you just accept as true about who you are and what you are capable of. You may assume because you have struggled to lose weight in the past that it will happen the exact same way this time, so why even try? Your inner critic may be telling you aren’t good enough, […]

By |April 30th, 2013|Belief|0 Comments

The Power of Believing You Can Have the Body You Want

  How likely are you to achieve something if you don’t even believe it’s possible? If you’re feeling stuck regarding releasing weight, it can be helpful to look at the beliefs you’re holding and examine if they’re accurate or not. For instance, how many of you have ever heard “You have to clean your plate because there are starving children somewhere in the world?” Just about everyone, right? This is how our parents or grandparents often got us to eat—and to eat things we didn’t want to eat. Do you think that’s a limiting belief? How true is it that your cleaning your plate is going to benefit any of those starving children? Logically, it makes no sense that your overeating will help anyone else. In fact, this belief can actually be harmful. Cleaning your plate teaches you to disregard your body’s guidance that it’s had enough, and eating too much food is at the heart of being overweight, which has serious health consequences. At the core of this belief is often a concern about wasting food. But the truth is extra food in your body is just as wasteful as putting it in the trash. You can either waste it, or you waist it. A lot of times, seeing the flaws in your thinking is enough to help you move beyond it. But changing a long-standing belief can also impact underlying values. For instance, it may be hard for you to let go of this belief because one of your values is helping others in need. What would be a more constructive action than cleaning your plate? Perhaps donating to charities that feed the poor? Maybe your value around this belief is being sustainable. A more […]

Love Your Body—and Life!—At Any Age

  Do you believe that you will be loving life at 90? Pay attention to your reaction to that question. That is the life you are designing. If your goal is to lose 10 or 100 pounds, recover from an illness, or to climb a mountain, at the core of achieving anything is the belief that it is possible. Here’s where the challenge comes in. When you have a strong belief—such as that most people decline with age or that decline is inevitable—you will see lots of evidence to support that belief. It is the same thing that happens when you decide to buy a car. All of a sudden you will see that make, model—and even color that you want—everywhere you go. How in the world did you not see them all before? When you begin to look for examples of people thriving in their 70s, 80s, 90s—and even 100s!—to support your belief that you can love life at any age, you will begin to see those examples. And I love the example that I saw this morning. Phyllis Sues, a dancer and musician who will turn 90 on April 4, wrote this blog for the Huffington Post, “Loving Life at 90.” Sues writes, “Numbers and dwelling on age is a trap. There is no age, it’s living each moment to its fullest.” This is the key! Because if you believe in decline, at the subconscious level you will stop trying. You will make decisions that support decline. You won’t exercise regularly, you won’t eat healthy foods, you won’t fully engage in life—all of which leads to decline. And you will blame it on aging. You will create this reality for yourself because a […]