Tips to Super-Charge Your Weight-Loss Results

  How much spiritual energy do you bring to your wellness goals? Do you connect optimal wellness with your sense of life purpose and meaning? For most people, the answer is not so much. You may believe losing weight is just about diet and exercise. This is because you can easily see the connection between action and the impact it has on your body. For example, when you cut calories and increase activity, the result is weight loss. Only, for most people, it’s not that easy. There is a reason an estimated 85 to 95 percent of diet and exercise programs fail long-term. One of the reasons it is so challenging to lose weight is you have to feel a purpose in what you’re doing. If losing weight is not connected to your core values, you aren’t going to be inspired to take much positive action. Without engaging spiritual energy, you may even unintentionally sabotage yourself. This looks like having a hard time sticking to a food plan, or bingeing, or just plain giving up. Tapping into your spiritual energy to lose weight is about connecting What you are doing to create optimal wellness (diet and exercise) with Who you believe you are, while tapping into your purpose, vision, goals, and values. The more you integrate your core beliefs and purpose with your actions, the more spiritual energy you will have to succeed. Here are a few tips for tapping into spiritual energy to create the body you want. Remember that your body is a gift to appreciate. Having your body function optimally allows you to express your authentic best and more fully be Who you are meant to be. Remind yourself that taking care of your […]

Isn’t Life Delicious?

DELICIOUS adj di-ˈli-shəs 1: affording great pleasure : delightful 2: appealing to one of the bodily senses especially of taste or smell Merriam-Webster Why do you eat? For very few people is it just to give their bodies the vital nutrients they need to sustain life. For women who struggle with their weight, eating is often their primary source of pleasure, comfort, satisfaction, and even experience of love. This is why diets cause such feelings of deprivation. Who wants to live a life void of pleasurable feelings? Certainly not me! And you don’t have to! All that’s happened is that over time—and for a variety of valid reasons—you have shut yourself off from sources of satisfaction, comfort, and love because they have also been sources of pain, dissatisfaction, and loneliness. The lover who broke your heart, the friend who betrayed you, the parent or boss who tried to control you sent you to the one obvious and consistent source of comfort—food. It was a totally normal reaction. Food is delicious. It’s pleasurable, satisfying, and comforting. And it’s easy. But it’s also betrayed you. It’s caused you to gain weight. It’s negatively impacted your health. It’s momentary comfort is completely outweighed by the overwhelming feelings of guilt and self-loathing that it now causes. It’s no longer giving you what you were seeking in the first place—those pleasurable feelings. It’s time to begin looking for these feelings in the only place they will be given consistently. From the only place you can truly count on them being there 100 percent of the time, no matter what you do, say, or be. Where you know you are absolutely loved and adored. The Source of pleasure, satisfaction, comfort, nourishment, and […]

Guaranteed to Change Your Life

What if you knew your success was guaranteed? What if the entire Universe was on your side? What if your value to the world was assured? What if all that entailed was spending more time focused on what you want, who you want to be, what you want to do, and how you want to feel? That when you looked at a problem, you quickly shifted your thoughts to what you would like the outcome to be? That when you saw someone behaving badly, you focused on how you wanted people to behave? That you appreciated more things than you complained about? It seems like such a simple shift to make. Love more. Appreciate more. Laugh more. Relax more. But simple—and even preferable—doesn’t necessarily mean easy. People often fear that if they take their eyes off the problem for a moment, it will grow and get worse. So they stay ever vigilant and keep their attention fixed on the worst-case scenario. Or they may be weak in guiding their attention, and therefore believe they have no option but to look directly at what is right in front of them. Or they may be so bought into reacting to “reality” that they don’t even know there is anything else to look at. What if it was your attention and focus that was actually making the problem worse? What if by not choosing what you want to think about you are guaranteed to see more of all the things you don’t want? That all “reality” means is that you are seeing a reflection of what you are focused on? We are each responsible for the “reality” of our lives. If you expect—and choose—to see good things, you […]

Find Your In-Dependence

“When I lose 30 pounds, then I will be free.”   “Once I lose the weight, I can enjoy my life.”   “Once I’m a certain size, I will _____________ (fill in the blank—go to the beach, take that class, take that trip, etc., etc.”   These are common things I hear from clients who are putting off their happiness, joy, freedom—truly living their life—until that miraculous day when they are the magic size and all will be right with the world. But the sad truth is, unless you change on the inside, even if you are able to meet your goal, you probably won’t feel any different. You might not even look different to yourself. You will not have found freedom, joy, or happiness–because you are seeking it in the wrong place. As the fabulous Kendra Thornbury reminded me in her blog this morning, “No amount of money, no circumstance, and no person can create the feeling of freedom you long for.” This includes having a magic number on the scale, or a certain pant size, or even body fat percentage. The change you are seeking must come from the inside. Truly, what you are seeking is In-Dependence. To quote Kendra again: “While many of you are walking around disguised as free beings, in truth, you are still dependent on certain things happening in order to feel free.   Your joy, prosperity, peace — are contingent on something outside of you.   This is NOT freedom.   When your freedom depends on the external, you are still trapped.” ____________________________ Attempting to shift circumstances to feel free is a temporary solution.   And waiting for what is going on outside of you to change keeps […]

By |July 5th, 2012|Belief, Spirit|2 Comments

You’re Amazing! Perfect! Just the Way You Are

One of the gifts I get from All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) is waking up with a song playing in my head that has a message that feels relevant to some element of my life. This morning was one of those mornings. As I opened my eyes, I heard the refrain from a Bruno Mars’ song, “You’re amazing just the way you are.” And this felt like a joyful message not just for me, but for you. Because this is how God sees every single one of us. Each person is unique, beautiful, and perfect just as they are. I know, I know. This may be hard to wrap your mind around. But what would be different about your life if you did let yourself believe in your worthiness just a little bit more? How would it feel to compliment your body instead of criticize it? How would it feel to believe you can do something—and offer yourself encouragement—instead of tearing every effort apart? How would it feel to praise yourself as a beloved child of the Universe, instead of holding on to the false belief that you aren’t worthy? Because no matter your sex, your size, your color, your creed—no matter what—you are amazing, just the way you are. What can you do to let yourself believe this a little bit more today than you did yesterday? How can you allow yourself to be more of the version of you that Source sees? How would that change how you live your life? Together we can do it!   Photo from

Thank You! More Please!

I don’t believe in coincidence. To me, those moments of synchronicity, happenstance, miracle, chance, and luck are gifts from All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) that we open the vibrational-door wide enough to receive. One of those moments fell into my lap as I sat down to write today’s blog and was wondering what I would focus on in a short amount of time as we have family coming in today and there is lots on my to-do list. Having just finished my workout and eaten my breakfast, I made my way into my office with my steaming cup of lemon-green tea and fired up my computer. As always, I checked my emails first, and there was one from Abraham-Hicks, one of my favorite spiritual teachers, offering a free preview of the first 10 minutes of a workshop, so I clicked on the link. Not having read the fine print, what I didn’t realize was that the offer was to see the first minutes of a live workshop and once those 10 minutes were over the channel would be taken down. I just “happened” to click on the link just as Abraham welcomed the workshop participants—live and in real time. My timing could not have been more perfect! And the words that I heard in those 10 minutes were a direct answer to a question I’d been rolling around my mind for the past couple of days. What a beautiful gift that I appreciate to my core! Those types of gifts are coming to us frequently, but often we are so distracted, overwhelmed, and disconnected that we don’t recognize them for what they are and we literally do not receive […]

Do You Need That to Be Healthful?

nour•ish ˈnər-ish, ˈnə-rish verb nour•ish•es; nour•ished; nour•ish•ing [+ obj] 1 : to provide (someone or something) with food and other things that are needed to live, be healthy, etc. ▪ Plants are nourished [=fed] by rain and soil. ▪ Vitamins are added to the shampoo to nourish the hair. ▪ a well-nourished baby 2 : to cause (something) to develop or grow stronger ▪ a friendship nourished by trust ▪ Her parents nourished [=supported] her musical talent. Merriam-Webster Dictionary How well-nourished are you? I’m not just asking about your diet, but am including your mind, emotions, and soul. For many, nourishment may not be something they think about at all. For some, nutrition is what comes to mind. There are few of us who can claim to be well-nourished in all areas of our lives. But if you think about the difference nourishing food can make to your body, just imagine what would happen if you also consciously nourished your mind with information, ideas, and even entertainment that enhanced your knowledge, awareness, and clarity? Imagine nourishing relationships that are easy, loving, satisfying, and fun? Imagine nourishing spiritual practices that lead to richer, fuller, and more fulfilling life experiences? Imagine nourishing activities (such as work!) that are fun, interesting, and exciting? What did you do yesterday? How much of that nourished you—body, mind, and spirit? How much of it drained or depleted you? What are you doing today? How much of what you have on your to-do list is nourishing? What do your choices mean for the overall quality of your life? What choices would you need to make to be truly well-nourished? Together we can do it! Photo by Stuart Miles /

You Have the Power

What if your joy was totally within your control? For many, that seems counter-intuitive or improbable. Often our first response is to say, “When X happens or when someone does X, it makes me so mad!” (Or worried, angry, frustrated, upset—however it makes you feel.) What if that person or situation is just an excuse you have been using to feel mad, worried, angry, frustrated, or upset? What if you have the power to decide how to respond to something instead of having an automatic reaction? Often we’re allowing all kinds of outside things to determine how we will feel—the scale went up, or didn’t go down enough. Someone is doing something that is negatively impacting us. Some situation outside of our control has all of our focus and we are having a negative emotional response to it. What if you are really just saying: “I’m allowing this inanimate object that may not be accurately reflecting my body composition to dictate how I will feel about myself all day?” “I am wanting to control this person’s behavior in order to make me happy?” “I want to control situations that are outside of my control, and until I can, I refuse to be happy?” And what if, when you are using an object, person, or situation to base your negative catabolic emotional response on, you are actually saying “No” to all the good things that All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) is trying to bring into your life? In other words, when you are feeling catabolic emotions, such as anxiety or frustration about something—like money, for instance—you are not allowing that money to come into your life. It’s only when you […]

Connecting Spirit to Mind and Body

We’ve all heard of the mind, body, spirit, connection, but how much spiritual energy do you bring to your wellness goals? Do you make the connection between optimal wellness and your sense of life purpose and meaning? For most people, the answer is not so much. Wellness, to many, is about diet and exercise. This makes perfect sense, when you think about it. We can easily see the connection between doing physical things and the impact it has on our physical body. For example, the fewer calories you take in and the more calories you use typically results in a reduction in weight. Only, for most people, it’s not that easy. There wouldn’t be millions spent on diets and workout gadgets if it were. One of the reasons it is so challenging is that if people don’t feel a purpose in what they’re doing, or it’s not in some way connected to their values, they aren’t going to take much positive action. Without engaging spiritual energy, people may even take counter-action to sabotage themselves. I’m sure no dieters out there can identify with having a hard time sticking to a food plan, or bingeing, or just plain giving up. Tapping into your spiritual energy is about connecting what you are doing to create optimal wellness (diet and exercise) with Who you believe you are, and how your purpose, vision, goals, values, and desires affect it. The more you integrate your inner beliefs and purpose with your actions, the more spiritual energy you will have to succeed. One of the ways that I tap into spiritual energy is that I believe my body is a gift for which it is appropriate to be grateful. While it […]

A Time of Abundance

No matter where you are or what’s going on in your life today, look for and acknowledge your abundance. Even if it’s that you have an abundance of air to breathe, an abundance of love in your heart, or an abundance of being alive in this moment. These are things that do not cost money and that nobody else can give you. They are there waiting for you to receive—and acknowledge. The magic of acknowledging your abundance is that the longer you focus on it, the more abundance in your life that you are able to see. Perhaps you have an abundance of family and friends, or an abundance of time in which to reflect, or an abundance of beauty to admire. You may have an abundance of laughter and excitement, or an abundance of peace and quiet. You may have an abundance of parties and commitments, or an abundance of freedom to live and do as you wish. While money and gifts can be a part of abundance, there is so much more of life with which to fill our trays. It’s all there waiting for us to look for and allow ourselves to see and receive. What abundance can you find in your life right now? No matter what it is, acknowledge it and let your heart overflow with appreciation. Together we can do it!   Photo by dan /