Release Your Inner Slim Girl With This 1 Powerful Step

Note From Hanna  Recommittment.  I forgot my WHY. For the past few months, I’ve been struggling with my workouts and healthy eating. Oh, I have some really good excuses. If you’ve been a regular reader, I’ve shared what’s been going on—an injury that required physical therapy, a death in the family, etc. See . . . really good excuses. But what I finally “got” over the past two weeks was that I had forgotten my WHY. My mindset was way off. I was trying to cut myself a big piece of slack pie . . . but I wasn’t. Mostly, I was worried about what others would think if I was 5 . . . or 10 pounds heavier. I was worried about what YOU would think. The more I worried and judged myself, the more I fell into old, fear-based responses—which made it that much harder to get up in the morning and move, and to choose an apple instead of a cookie (or 5). Finally . . . I remembered! That’s not the mindset that enabled me to release the weight and keep it off for almost four years. Breaking the rebound weight-gain cycle had nothing to do with anybody else. You see, to release the weight, I had to let go of my WHY being about what other people think or trying to have others find me attractive. Sure, I like looking good, but that’s the . . . hummm, I started to say icing, but how about a healthier analogy? That’s the natural, organic peanut butter in the smoothie? The lemon juice on the roasted broccoli? Well, you know what I mean. No, the WHY that broke me out of a lifetime of struggle was about wanting to be joyful, vibrant, and energetic. I wanted to create and […]

By |April 14th, 2014|Newsletter|2 Comments

Call the Shots to Get the Body You Want

In This eZine Note From Hanna Wellness Tip Courses & Offerings Call the Shots to Get the Body You Want Please forward this to anyone you know who might benefit. Note From Hanna  Perseverance.  One of the things I love about running (or any physical challenge) is that it exposes the thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back. Sometimes we can be so used to thinking things that limit us and keep us from the body—and life—that we want we’re not even aware that we’re doing it. That’s why uncovering those thoughts is so important. You have to see them to change them. I got a big dose of this last week. My physical therapist had given me the green light to go forth and start running. I set a goal for a race in October, created what I thought was a reasonable plan to get there, and was feeling good about my slow and steady progress. At my followup appointment with my doctor last week, he told me my plan was too aggressive. He didn’t like the changes my PT and I had made in my running stride. I left his office feeling discouraged. What my inner critic heard in his admonishment was that I couldn’t do it. As a result, my running deteriorated all week. My knee even started twinging. All of this because I let doubt creep in. Not reality—doubt. What I realized was that this was an old thought pattern that I had the opportunity to shift even further than I already had. You see, I have this thing about “authorities.” For some reason, what they say can carry enough weight to throw me off track. Even if another authority disputes what they say, or I know […]

By |January 25th, 2014|Newsletter|3 Comments

3 Tips to Feel Fabulous On the Way To Getting the Body You Want

Note From Hanna  Satisfied.  That’s how I want to feel in 2014. Sure I’ve set goals and have a vision for what I will “do” this year, but each of those things will make me feel satisfied. How will I feel when I finish writing my book? Satisfied. How will I feel when I increase my strength and stamina? Satisfied. How will I feel as I offer significant value to my clients? Satisfied. This is that deep in your gut, connected to Source, juicy and delicious feeling of satisfaction. It is job well done. It is appreciation for every step of the journey. It is total and complete fulfillment. And it is that feeling that will turbo charge my ability to meet my goals. Setting the goal to create the body you want is not enough. Use the emotion of how reaching that goal will feel to fuel your resolve, uncover solutions, and inspire the absolute perfect actions. That’s one of the things that has been missing from every diet and exercise program you have ever tried. How will creating the healthy, strong, and slim body you want make you feel? Email me and let me know. With much love and appreciation,   Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP Wellness Tip of the Weekend Will losing weight make you feel confident? Empowered? Sexy? Feel that way right now and boost your weight loss efforts. Courses & Offerings Kick Off Seminar January 14, 2014 Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program Make this the LAST year you set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Take a Spiritual Adventure instead! Love Your Way Slim is revolutionary program that transforms your mindset, integrates your core values and spiritual beliefs, and hones in on the most powerful actions you can take to make releasing the weight not only easy and satisfying . . . . but dare […]

Newsletter: Tips to Create Happy (and Healthy!) Holidays

Note From Hanna    Appreciation.  The American holiday of Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday may be my favorite. There are lots of reasons for this. My folks always come visit, and I love the traditions we have created together. The food is always divine. We share the food prep, so there’s not too much for any one person. We always have a good time. But my number 1 reason that I love Thanksgiving is the focus on appreciation. If there is anything you can do to get yourself more in alignment with who you are, what you want, and the body and life you are creating, it’s appreciating what you have right now. In fact, I try to make everyday Appreciation Day—not just one day a year. Of course, some days I’m better at this than others, but I can feel a huge difference when I just settle in to appreciating me, my life, my body, my family, my career, my home, my everything—just as it is. When I stop focusing on what’s missing, what needs to change, and what might be broken . . . and just accept what is right now; that is when life is yummy and delicious. One of the fun traditions we’ve started with my folks is having an Appreciation Bowl. I leave a small notepad by the bowl, and we rip of strips of paper and write down things we appreciate and then drop them in the bowl. We actually keep this up over several days and read them every night after dinner, but you could also just save it for a fun Thanksgiving Day activity. It really brings the point of the day home. One of the things I will be dropping in the bowl this year […]

By |November 24th, 2013|Newsletter|0 Comments

How to Embrace Change to Get the Body You Want

Note From Hanna  Change.  While the only constant in life is change, sometimes it’s more overt than others. Right now, I’m experiencing a lot of change. Change in my body and how I approach my wellness. Change in my professional life. Change in my priorities and passion. While change can be unsettling, it is also a time of forward momentum, growth, and becoming more of who you want to be. It is a time to: Examine and let go of thoughts, beliefs, and actions that no longer serve you. Notice where fear is tripping you up so that you can make different decisions and choose different responses. Surrender and let go of trying to control the outcome. Appreciate what you do have. More fully connect to your Higher Self and to the love and support you are receiving. While it can leave your raw, tender and vulnerable, change can also refresh, enliven, and revitalize. The good news is that it’s all part of our personal development journey. It’s all a part of life. Some of the change I am experiencing will impact you. For instance: My blog is going to once a week, starting this week, so that I can devote more time to the book I’m writing. I’m putting Beautiful Inside and Out on hiatus for the first months of the new year for the same reason. I’m cutting the number of programs I’m doing and will be focusing more on 1 to 1 coaching so that I can ensure that every woman I’m working with is getting the absolute best service from me. One of the programs I’m considering cutting is the Love Your Way Slim Beach Retreat. This is a tough one as I love the […]

By |November 10th, 2013|Change, Newsletter|0 Comments