Note From Hanna 


While the only constant in life is change, sometimes it’s more overt than others.

Right now, I’m experiencing a lot of change.

  • Change in my body and how I approach my wellness.
  • Change in my professional life.
  • Change in my priorities and passion.

While change can be unsettling, it is also a time of forward momentum, growth, and becoming more of who you want to be.

It is a time to:

  • Examine and let go of thoughts, beliefs, and actions that no longer serve you.
  • Notice where fear is tripping you up so that you can make different decisions and choose different responses.
  • Surrender and let go of trying to control the outcome.
  • Appreciate what you do have.
  • More fully connect to your Higher Self and to the love and support you are receiving.

While it can leave your raw, tender and vulnerable, change can also refresh, enliven, and revitalize.

The good news is that it’s all part of our personal development journey. It’s all a part of life.

Some of the change I am experiencing will impact you.

For instance:

  • My blog is going to once a week, starting this week, so that I can devote more time to the book I’m writing.
  • I’m putting Beautiful Inside and Out on hiatus for the first months of the new year for the same reason.
  • I’m cutting the number of programs I’m doing and will be focusing more on 1 to 1 coaching so that I can ensure that every woman I’m working with is getting the absolute best service from me.

One of the programs I’m considering cutting is the Love Your Way Slim Beach Retreat. This is a tough one as I love the retreat and know the changes experienced by the attendees are profound.

I would love your feedback.

If you are interested in attending the Beachside Retreat, or know you want to attend, contact me by the end of November.

If there are obstacles to your coming, what are they?

Other things I would love your feedback on are:

  • What day of the week are you most likely to read the blog?
  • What topics do you wish I would cover?
  • What day and time of the week would you most likely tune in to Beautiful Inside and Out interviews?
  • What questions do you wish I would ask the women I interview on Beautiful Inside and Out?
  • Who do you think would make a great Beautiful Inside and Out guest?

My programs and services are only valuable if they meet your needs.

What can I do to better serve you?

Email me and let me know.

With much love and appreciation,

Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP

Wellness Tip of the Weekend



Take this moment and consciously choose your focus and how you want to feel. This is creating the body—and life—you want.


Courses & Offerings


Program Starts Tuesday

Love Your Way Through the Holidays

Unless you do something different this year, chances are you will start January 1, 2014, feeling exhausted and depressed, and making yet another New Year’s resolution to lose weight. 

Making different choices and having a different experience over the holidays takes awareness, planning, support, and celebrating the smallest victories.

Give yourself the gift of not only loving your way through this holiday season . . . but learning the skills, information, and techniques that will ensure you love who you are every January 1st to come.

Go Here for More Information:

Tuesday, December 3, 8 p.m. USA Eastern 

Beautiful Inside and Out:

How Powerful Women
Transformed Their Bodies
While Creating a Life They Love 

My guest in December is Tricia Nelson, the “Heal Your Hunger” expert and president of Heal Your Hunger, Inc., which offers workshops and healing support for people seeking to end the self-sabotaging cycle of binge eating.

Tricia will share her powerful story of how she lost 50 pounds by identifying and addressing the underlying causes of her own hunger and weight issues.


How to Embrace Change to Get the Body You Want


There is a basic life principle that says, “The Only Constant is Change.”How often do you consider change a good thing?Typically, even with change you DO want, it’s really the end result you are seeking. You don’t really want the change that will get you there.For instance, you love the idea of changing your body and being at your optimal weight and wellness, but you dread the dieting and exercise that you think you have to do to get there.Then there’s the change that feels thrust upon you and out of your control.

  • Job changes.
  • Relationship changes.
  • Illness.
  • Etc.

These changes can leave you feeling victimized, and struggling with an experience that you didn’t ask for and don’t want.

So you fight it, resent it, and resist it.

It is that resistance that makes change feel so bad.

The pain comes when you refuse to accept change as a natural process, and instead try to control it.

You know you are trying to control change if it:

  • Feels like you are being hit by a tidal wave.
  • Feel overwhelmed, worried, or fearful.
  • Feel like a victim of circumstances, people, or events.

To be clear, I’m not trying to make your feel bad about your reactions.

They are normal and natural.

But normal doesn’t mean necessary.

You can embrace any change, even when it feels like something your really DON’T want.

Embracing change feels like the exhilaration of riding a wave. You are on top of it and moving and shifting with it until it runs its course.

It is feeling empowered to make your own choices, and to know you have a choice even in the most difficult situations.

But if you have already been slammed by the wave of change and are doing your best just to stay afloat, how likely is it that you are going to be able to shift immediately to riding it?

Instead of beating yourself up for not catching the wave, it’s better to grab hold of your board, catch your breath, and use the lessons that you learned about what you DON’T want to help you figure out what you DO want.

While it may seem simple, a powerful way to help move you from underneath the wave to successfully riding it is to change your thoughts and language about the situation or event.

Changing the words you use—and the thoughts and feelings behind them—can truly change your reality. Suddenly you can see that a new wave is coming in, instead of being so focused on surviving that you totally miss the signs.

Simple changes like shifting:

  • I “need to lose weight” to “I want want to be healthy and slim.”
  • “The doctor says I have to lose weight” to “It’s Important to me to be healthy, vibrant and feel good so I can be there for my kids and grand-kids.”
  • “I can’t lose weight no matter what I do” to “The healthier choices I’m making are making a difference, even if I can’t see them.”

These changes can profoundly impact how you adjust to change because you are shifting your focus from what you DON’T want to what you DO want.

But feeling better may not happen instantly.

Reframing the change means consistently adjusting your thoughts . . .  adjusting your thoughts . . .  adjusting your thoughts.

It’s taking tiny baby steps towards what you want. The progress may not be fast, but you WILL get there.

Focusing on what you DO want generates positive energy and keeps you centered and powerful. It builds you up and helps you believe in yourself.

Focusing on what you DON’T want generates negative energy that is disempowering and tears you down. It keeps you stuck under those pounding waves.

What can you do to begin changing your language? How can you remind yourself to focus on what you DO want versus what you DON’T?

Remember, it takes persistence, practice, and patience to make the shift.

Do that, and you’ll be riding that wave of change before you know it.

Together we can do it!

About Hanna


Hanna empowers soul-centered women who struggle with losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again to break the rebound weight-gain cycle for good.She is passionate about helping women who are awakening to their true selves become confident in their choices and bodies so that they fall in love with who they are and the life they are living.
Hanna Goss is a nationally acclaimed coach, author, and speaker. As a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner, she is trained to listen and elicits solutions and strategies from you that will result in a customized approach to meet your individual needs. She provides personalized support during each step of your tailored action plan that will create successful and sustainable change.

Learn more about Hanna’s programs and services, or sign up for her free eBook, inspirational blogs. and daily wellness tips by visiting her website at