Spiritual Connection


I had a client yesterday who said she believed she was a terrible and horrible person.

Youch. That is such a painful place to be.

So I playfully asked if she had stolen any babies lately? Committed any murders? Robbed any banks?

Of course not.

Her worst “crimes” were that in the she’d hurt people’s feelings, had yelled at people, was bitchy sometimes, and wasn’t always productive.

This is normal! No one is the person they want to be 100 percent of the time. I certainly haven’t been, and am sure I will fall short in the future.

This doesn’t make you—or me—a “bad” person.

One of my client’s biggest limiting beliefs is believing that they are less than—less valuable, less important, less smart, less beautiful, less worthy, etc., etc.—than everyone else.

The Truth is, you have intrinsic value—no matter what you do or don’t do.

To begin to see this, start with how you speak to yourself.

  • What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?
  • What are your thoughts about yourself?
  • How much praise is there compared to criticism?

Would you speak to someone else the way you speak to yourself? How would they feel if you did? What if you said those things to a child? Would it nourish them, or make them cry?

Often, what you say to yourself would get you arrested if you said it to a child.

If it’s not OK to say to someone else, why is it OK to say to yourself?

You are as unique as a snow flake. There is not anyone else in the world that has had the exact same experiences as you, or who sees the world in exactly the same way. Your unique perspective adds value to this world. You are important to All-That-Is.

You are uniquely gifted. Your gifts add to this world the way an instrument adds to a symphony. Your instrument sounds beautiful all on its own, and adds to the whole when it is joined with others. Your instrument only sounds flat and out of tune when you are being less than Who you truly are.

You are resourceful and are much greater and wiser than you appear to be. Your solution to any problem—including how to release the weight once and for all—is always there if you will but take your eyes off the problem long enough to look for it.

And you are loved more than you can possibly imagine. Not only by your families, but by people whose lives you have touched as no one else has, and most importantly, by the Source of All-That-Is.

Allow yourself to feel that love.

There are no reprimands or limitations in your mind other than the ones you shackle yourself with. No angry hordes will come after you with pitchforks for acknowledging that you are unique, powerful, gifted, resourceful, and loved.

In fact, that spark of good feeling, that sense of upliftment, that outright feeling of joy is letting you know that you are speaking the Truth about yourself—maybe for the first time.

And that good feeling is supporting your body down to the cellular level helping you get the body you want.

Your wellness comes from the inside out. You have to give it to you. You do that by loving yourself first–regardless of what any other person says, thinks, or does.

And when you allow yourself to see and know your value, you will be empowered to consciously create the body—and thus life—you want.

Together we can do it!