Tips to Super-Charge Your Weight-Loss Results

  How much spiritual energy do you bring to your wellness goals? Do you connect optimal wellness with your sense of life purpose and meaning? For most people, the answer is not so much. You may believe losing weight is just about diet and exercise. This is because you can easily see the connection between action and the impact it has on your body. For example, when you cut calories and increase activity, the result is weight loss. Only, for most people, it’s not that easy. There is a reason an estimated 85 to 95 percent of diet and exercise programs fail long-term. One of the reasons it is so challenging to lose weight is you have to feel a purpose in what you’re doing. If losing weight is not connected to your core values, you aren’t going to be inspired to take much positive action. Without engaging spiritual energy, you may even unintentionally sabotage yourself. This looks like having a hard time sticking to a food plan, or bingeing, or just plain giving up. Tapping into your spiritual energy to lose weight is about connecting What you are doing to create optimal wellness (diet and exercise) with Who you believe you are, while tapping into your purpose, vision, goals, and values. The more you integrate your core beliefs and purpose with your actions, the more spiritual energy you will have to succeed. Here are a few tips for tapping into spiritual energy to create the body you want. Remember that your body is a gift to appreciate. Having your body function optimally allows you to express your authentic best and more fully be Who you are meant to be. Remind yourself that taking care of your […]

What’s Your Purpose?

While attending a workshop in Sedona, Arizona, over the next few days, I am sharing a few of my favorite blogs that you may have missed. “What is my purpose in life?” I get that question a lot from clients. Inevitably, they’re searching for What they should be doing. The more important question to ask yourself is, “Who are you?” What are your core values? What makes you tick? What are your beliefs? Who do you want to show up as, and how closely are you showing up as that person? How are you connected to the All-That-Is (God, Source Energy, The Universe, Higher Coach–whatever belongs to you)? When you have a clear picture of Who you are, you then find clarity in figuring out What your passions are and What you want to spend our time and energy on. This is because your true purpose in life is to be the absolute best possible version of you! There’s a reason that no one else on the planet has had the exact same experiences you’ve had, or sees the world in exactly the same way as you do. It is your diversity, not your sameness that makes you special. The song that you sing on the planet and in the Universe is absolutely unique. Your tune is beautiful on its own, and adds to the greater symphony of life. But it is only by allowing yourself to wholly produce your special melody that you are fulfilling your reason for being on this planet. How can you shift your thoughts from What you should be doing, and start paying more attention to Who you really are? How can you start showing up as the bigger and […]