Proud to Be a Weirdo!

  “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” ~Joseph Campbell   True confession time. I’m a weirdo. My favorite workout right now is dance walking/running. Not familiar with this? Check out this video:   Truth is, I have been a secret dance walker/runner for years. There would be times when I would be out running in the early morning hours when I felt so good and the beat of the music resulted in such exuberance that I spontaneously burst into dance. But I would abashedly stop as soon as I saw a car coming. Last year, I wrote a blog about spontaneously bursting into dance on the treadmill—and immediately falling off. A fellow blogger informed me it was the best workout ever, and pointed to some videos on YouTube. I watched them and spent the Winter dance walking/running on my treadmill.   And I loved it! It’s so much fun! And it definitely uses more and different muscles then walking or running. Now that the weather has warmed, I’ve taken my work out to the streets of our little town!  Yep, I look like a total goof.  Yep, people driving by may stare at me. (I don’t know as I’m too busy focusing on what I’m doing, but let’s assume so.)  Yep, people are probably judging me. (Maybe even you!) Here’s the thing. So what? Is the fear of what others “might” think ever a good reason to do (or not do) anything that feels right to you? I think not. So I’m embracing my own individual brand of weirdness and doing the workout that I enjoy. If it makes me a weirdo, so be it. I’ve I come a long way baby! Still, too […]

Being Authentically You Helps You Release the Weight

  Do you worry about what other people think about you? Do you change how you act when you are around others in order to receive their approval? Believe it or not, your changing Who you are is one of the things that you are doing that is literally weighing you down. Think of those thoughts as weight-magnets. Pleasing your parents, partners, teachers, friends, bosses, etc., etc., to get their approval is what led you away from your authentic self. And it makes them believe that other people have to change to make them happy. You are perpetuating the cycle of everyone looking outside of themselves for the source of their joy–and they will never find it. Truly, your trying to get anyone else’s approval serves no one. And the reverse is also true. Whenever you think that it’s the other person who needs to change to make you happy—you are contributing just as much to the difficult dynamics. The only person you can control is you.  One of the things that I work on with my clients—and myself—is to show up authentically, regardless of the people or situation. Showing up authentically doesn’t mean that you spew your opinions or are challenging to others if you have differences. Truly, it’s just the opposite. The authentic you is loving and accepting. The authentic you sees your value—and the value in each person and situation. The authentic you knows that there are no mistakes. The authentic you knows that the diversity of people and opinions is what makes the world go round. The authentic you knows that being true to Who you are will be a gift to others—even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment. If I you […]

By |May 4th, 2013|Authentic|0 Comments

Accept Where You Are, Focus on Where You Want to Be, and Keep Going!

  I’m going to get honest here. I am doing something to sabotage myself. Something in my thoughts, beliefs, and actions is off. How do I know? Because I eagerly pulled warm weather clothes out of the closet yesterday, and my shorts and capris were uncomfortably snug. I admit to having a pretty intense negative catabolic reaction. Perfectly normal right? Your pants don’t fit as you expect, and you freak out. But it is that very reaction that’s at the heart of what I am doing that is actually taking me in the direction I don’t want to go. Even though I am eating magnificent food designed to help me amp up my nutrition to keep pace with my increased activity level, my weight has steadily gone up 4 pounds since January 1. So what’s going on? While I will be doing some nutritional trouble-shooting, truly at the heart of this is self-doubt and fear of judgment.  As I shared in a recent blog, my level of criticism of my body has increased over the past couple of months since I stepped out big time with my business and new brand in December. It’s hitting a crescendo as I prepare to lead the first Love Your Way Slim Beachside retreat later this month. That old part of me that felt she wasn’t thin enough or good enough has found a new weak spot. She’s whispering, “Who are you to be all that you can be? Who are you to lead other women to the body—and life—they want? See? There’s too much to do. You’re body’s changed. You aren’t slim enough. You can’t do this.” It is a fabulous reminder to me of how powerful our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are. And it […]

Dang That’s Judgmental

One of the things I love about stepping outside my comfort zone is that my shadow side may show up. That’s the part of me that is insecure, defensive, judgmental—you get the idea. It’s an amazing opportunity to practice showing up as authentically me—regardless of the people or situation. The authentic me is loving and accepting. The authentic me sees my value—and the value in each person and situation. The authentic me knows that there are no mistakes and that the diversity of people and opinions is what makes the world go round. The authentic me knows that speaking my truth with ease and grace will be a gift to others, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment. If I am acting out of anger, frustration, defensiveness, fear, judgment, or condemnation, I’m not being authentically me—and I have the opportunity to make a difference choice. The onus is on me to stay connected to my Higher Self (God, All-That-Is, Universe, Source—whatever works for you) and to pay attention if I am coming from a place of love or a place of anger, a place of appreciation or a place of fear. One way for you to stay authentic and maintain your connection to your Higher Self in relationships—particularly if you have a history of pushing each other’s buttons—is to actively focus on all the good qualities of the other person. To literally practice seeing them in the best light. There are a couple of ways to do this. Create a list of all the things about the other person that you appreciate, and read and add to it every day. Practice a visualization. See yourself bathed in a golden light that feels […]