

I’m going to get honest here.

I am doing something to sabotage myself.

Something in my thoughts, beliefs, and actions is off.

How do I know?

Because I eagerly pulled warm weather clothes out of the closet yesterday, and my shorts and capris were uncomfortably snug.

I admit to having a pretty intense negative catabolic reaction.

Perfectly normal right? Your pants don’t fit as you expect, and you freak out.

But it is that very reaction that’s at the heart of what I am doing that is actually taking me in the direction I don’t want to go.

Even though I am eating magnificent food designed to help me amp up my nutrition to keep pace with my increased activity level, my weight has steadily gone up 4 pounds since January 1.

So what’s going on?

While I will be doing some nutritional trouble-shooting, truly at the heart of this is self-doubt and fear of judgment. 

As I shared in a recent blog, my level of criticism of my body has increased over the past couple of months since I stepped out big time with my business and new brand in December. It’s hitting a crescendo as I prepare to lead the first Love Your Way Slim Beachside retreat later this month.

That old part of me that felt she wasn’t thin enough or good enough has found a new weak spot.

She’s whispering, “Who are you to be all that you can be? Who are you to lead other women to the body—and life—they want? See? There’s too much to do. You’re body’s changed. You aren’t slim enough. You can’t do this.”

It is a fabulous reminder to me of how powerful our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are.

And it is totally and completely NOT TRUE.

This fear of judgment is totally in my head.

Not a single person has said anything that even hinted at judgment to me. There has been no rolling of eyes, or disbelieving, ‘OH. You help women lose WEIGHT. Shouldn’t you be thinner?”

So I welcome back this inner voice that I thought I had banished. Clearly she’d just gone into hiding and has gotten much more subtle in her strategy.

The good news? (Oh, there is so much good news!)

I know she is there.

And I’m not afraid to expose her—or me.

Because having insecurities, self-doubts, fears, being unaware of actions that aren’t serving me, or even having my pants be tighter than I enjoy doesn’t make me a bad person, inauthentic, or somehow a bad coach.

They make me human. They make me real. They make me more forgiving of myself and others. They make me more able to understand and empathize with my clients.

Here’s the other good news.

  • An extra 4 pounds is totally manageable! It’s a great wake up call to let me know that there are things I need to address right now.
  • I do have the tools, resources, and support to troubleshoot and make different choices—mind, body, and spirit.
  • The emotions that are coming up for me are a great reminder of what my clients are feeling—which will make me an even better coach.
  • My wellness is not in question. I’ve been eating healthier than ever before over the past 3 months. The physical energy I’m experiencing will help me address any changes that need to be made.
  • This is actually a great opportunity to learn more about my body, improve the process I am creating for my clients, and take my wellness to a whole new level.
  • I love my body and know that it is knocking itself out on my behalf. I appreciate the very important role it plays in my personal transformation, and am grateful for this information that is letting me know that I am off in my thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
  • This is a great opportunity to surrender to my Higher Self and as Lindsay A. Miller so beautifully said during our recent interview, have my mind be the servant to my body.

It’s important to remember that optimal weight and wellness are a journey not a destination. You never arrive and are done. The key is to accept where you are, focus on where you want to be, and keep going.

Together we can do it!

Take Charge of Your Wellness Journey! 


The early bird price and scholarship expires tomorrow!

Email me immediately if you feel in your heart this event is what you need to transform your body.

This is an exclusive opportunity to immerse yourself in an environment deliberately designed for your comfort, ease, and to help you consciously create the body—and life—you want.

Apply Today for The Love Your Way Slim Beachside Retreat:
