be as you want to receive


“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”

~Joseph Campbell


True confession time.

I’m a weirdo.

My favorite workout right now is dance walking/running.

Not familiar with this? Check out this video:


Truth is, I have been a secret dance walker/runner for years.

There would be times when I would be out running in the early morning hours when I felt so good and the beat of the music resulted in such exuberance that I spontaneously burst into dance.

But I would abashedly stop as soon as I saw a car coming.

Last year, I wrote a blog about spontaneously bursting into dance on the treadmill—and immediately falling off.

A fellow blogger informed me it was the best workout ever, and pointed to some videos on YouTube. I watched them and spent the Winter dance walking/running on my treadmill.


And I loved it! It’s so much fun! And it definitely uses more and different muscles then walking or running.

Now that the weather has warmed, I’ve taken my work out to the streets of our little town!

  •  Yep, I look like a total goof.
  •  Yep, people driving by may stare at me. (I don’t know as I’m too busy focusing on what I’m doing, but let’s assume so.)
  •  Yep, people are probably judging me. (Maybe even you!)

Here’s the thing.

So what?

Is the fear of what others “might” think ever a good reason to do (or not do) anything that feels right to you?

I think not.

So I’m embracing my own individual brand of weirdness and doing the workout that I enjoy.

If it makes me a weirdo, so be it.

I’ve I come a long way baby!

Still, too often, I alter who I am based on what other people “might” think.

And I know I’m not alone.

Most of the body shame that women experience is because they feel like they are being judged by others.

One person’s unfortunate comment in the past can lead to a lifetime of beating yourself up before anyone else has the chance to do it.

That judgment you are feeling—that is stopping you from dance walking or doing anything else that you want—is something you are doing to you.

No one else is in your head. The voice of judgment you keep hearing is . . . you.

Now, let’s say someone is judging you.

How long are they going to be thinking about you before they turn their thoughts back to their own lives?

Let’s time it.

Let’s say someone at a stoplight this morning was judging me. Their thoughts may have been something like:

“What is that weird woman doing? Is she dancing and trying to walk? Is she on drugs? Maybe she’s crazy? Oh, the light has turned. . .”

Less than 30 seconds.

Should I really stay a home and miss exercising outside on this beautiful day because a few people “might” think negative thoughts about me for 30 seconds?

And isn’t it just as likely that someone “might” be thinking something like:

“Hey, look at her. She looks like she’s having fun. Good for her.  And it looks like she’s getting a great workout, too. Oh, the light has turned . . .”

Regardless of what anyone is thinking about me, I know they are just a reflection of me and the judgments and thoughts I have about myself.

So it’s my intention to love and appreciate anyone who takes the time to think about me—regardless of what they are thinking—and keep on dance walking/running.

And I will be the one cheering on everyone else who finds their own unique way of joyfully moving their body on the way to vibrant health and the body they want.

Like this amazing woman. People are making fun of her, but look at the amazing shape she’s in! And she’s having fun and sharing it with others.


Pay attention to how you are judging yourself—and others.

What would be different if you began to celebrate what makes you—and them—unique?

Together we can do it!

Program Starts Monday! 

Capture Fabulous Slim and Sexy