While I am at an all-day training today, I thought I would share this great blog on the benefits of exercise.

Posted on April 28, 2012



Exercise is good for us and we all know it. However, sometimes knowing is not enough to actually get us up off our feet! Here are 3 benefits of exercise that might provide a bit more motivation to get moving. ;)


1. It boosts your energy: When we’re tired, the last thing we want to do is work out. Sometimes going to the gym seems like a chore and we often find ourselves making excuses to avoid going. What I always tell myself when I’m in that state is, “Catherine, remember how good you will feel after!”  I don’t think I’ve ever exercised and felt bad afterwards. Sure, I may have felt sore after a work out, but that shows me I’m being productive and makes me feel good. Studies suggest that exercise fights fatigue, so even if it is just hopping on the bike for 20 minutes or going for a 30 minute walk, exercise can give you that extra boost you need to go about your day! You’ll feel re-energized, refocused, and in a better mood, like this girl:


2. It makes you smarter: This Canadian study found that women ages 70-80 with mild cognitive impairment improved their attention, problem-solving, and decision making brain functions by doing resistance training twice a week. Moreover, another study showed that adults ages 55-80 who completed 40 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 times a week increased the size of their hippocampus, the area of the brain involved in memory forming and spacial reasoning. You’re not just working your body when you go for a walk, you’re working and preserving your brain!

3. It improves the sex drive: If you’re somebody looking to revitalize or improve your sex life, exercise may be the answer. There are many studies out there that suggest that exercise can increase sexual response in men and women and decrease the chance of dysfunction. You can also think about it this way: cardio endurance, muscular endurance, and improved strength and flexibility are all benefits of exercise…I think many would agree these all contribute to your sex life, too!

Fitting in a bit of physical activity each day won’t require a huge change in lifestyle, but as you can see, it could go a very long way.

Now, I’m off to the gym!

Read this blog at 3 Benefits of Exercise You Might Have Forgotten About.