

It’s Monday.

  • Does that mean you’ve hit the reset button on your diet—again?
  • Are you beating yourself up for eating too much during the Super Bowl last night?
  • Does missing a workout during the week actually mean you start over again on Monday?

Often the women I work with dread Mondays.

The first day of the week often represents a loss of freedom, a feeling of having to start over from scratch, the determination to beat yourself up mentally until you follow your diet and exercise program perfectly.

Clearly this isn’t working.

If it did, you would already have the body you want.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

  • What if Monday was just a day to continue the great progress you have been making?
  • What if when you missed a workout or ate more than you planned, you just got up right then and kept going?
  • What if you focused on cheering your progress and barely noticed any stumbles?

Can you feel how this shift in perspective would start to generate momentum that would actually help you meet your weight-loss goals?

Even a subtle shift in your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can inspire you to keep going and generate the positive energy you need to finally get the body you want.

But the problem is you are so used to thinking these thoughts, how do you begin to shift them?

  • Pay attention to your emotions. Are you feeling exhilarated and excited, or are you feeling dread, regret, or overwhelm? Positive emotions are your guidance that your thoughts and beliefs are supporting your actions. Negative emotions are indicating that you are tripping yourself up.
  • Pay attention to your physical reactions. Are you filled with positive energy that is fun to express during a workout or are you headachy, or ready for a nap? Your physical reactions indicate what’s going on with your underlying thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
  • Focus on all the self-care steps you are successfully taking and ignore the rest.

Look for one small thing you can do today to shift how you think about Mondays, your progress, or yourself. Begin to do that consistently, and pay attention to how your momentum–and progress–begins to change.

Together we can do it!

Are you ready to stop holding yourself back?

  • Is it time to break through the blocks that are literally weighing you down?
  • Are you prepared to release the weight—once and for all?
  • Are you willing to let yourself finally have the body you want?

The Love You Way Slim Coaching Program may be for you.

The Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program transforms your mindset, integrates your core values and spiritual beliefs, and hones in on the most powerful actions you can take to make releasing the weight not only easy and satisfying—but fun!

This program helps you live as the fullest expression of your authentic Divine self, feeling fabulous, slim, and confident, radiating health and vitality, and fully engaging in creating a life that is meaningful to yourself—and others.

It starts with your choice. Your decision.

The Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program is THE premier coaching program for heart and soul centered women who are ready to create lasting changes.

How willing are you to create a body and lifestyle you love? To successfully get to—and easily maintain—your optimal weight? To enjoy eating all the foods you love, and be healthier and more vibrant than ever before?

How willing are you to wake up knowing you are at your physical and emotional best? To know your body is fit and capable of taking on every goal you’ve set for yourself? To be tapped into Universal forces so that your fitness and overall wellness feels guaranteed?

Sign up today to get solid support from a dedicated partner, receive clarity on the subtle thought processes that have been holding you back, and discover the weight-loss path that is really right for you.

Click Here to Join the Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program

But you must hurry. Registration for this inspiring program closes Sunday, February 10.

Discover if this program is right for you.

I have a few sessions open this week to talk with women seriously interested in creating the body they want in 2013. Email me today to schedule your breakthrough session.

Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are keeping you from the body you want. Changing them is far easier than you think. Get the support you need to make lasting changes today.

With much love and appreciation,





Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP

PS Get the clarity and support you need to finally get the body you want. The only thing you have to do is decide to take that first step.

Click Here to Join the Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program

PSS You can have changes like this, too!
