

Does a part of you believe that you need a personal chef to lose weight?

Or you have to hire a personal trainer to get in great shape?

If only you weren’t so busy, you could have the body you want?

Most women believe that time and money are their biggest obstacles to being slim.

I’m going to give you a bit of tough love here.

These are just excuses.

If having the money to hire a personal chef and trainer were the answer, then Oprah would be slim.

If being busy was a valid reason for being overweight then it would not be possible for any woman who is busy to be slim.

And I can guarantee you that there are a lot of women out there who are busier than you who have learned that to give life their all, self-care has to be their number 1 priority.

The true obstacles to your releasing the weight—for good—are what’s going on the inside.

There can be a lot of internal blocks to your achieving your wellness goals.

  • You may have just accepted the belief so deeply that you can’t work around time and money—or any other limitations—that you literally can’t see the solutions, even if they are right in front of you.
  • Someone may have said something to you in the past, or you may have read someone else’s opinion or judgment that you just accept as true about who you are and what you are capable of.
  • You may assume because you have struggled to lose weight in the past that it will happen the exact same way this time, so why even try?
  • Your inner critic may be telling you aren’t good enough, capable enough, know enough, pretty enough, strong enough—whatever enough.
  • You may want someone to rescue you—someone else to tell you you’re too pretty to be fat, or to tell you what to do, or to make all the conditions “just right.”
  • It could be fear of losing love—or attracting too much attention.
  • It could just be fear.

What’s keeping you from releasing the weight in a way that works for you is as unique as you are.

To move around these blocks, start by figuring out what you want.

Why do you want to be slim? Really get deep here. Go beyond wanting to look good in a pair of jeans or a swim suit. Create a vision of the healthy you that you want more than that cupcake.

And then decide that you will do what it takes to create the body you want.

It is that decision that is so powerful. And only you can make it.

Open yourself up to the solutions that are there, so that you actually love the process of getting slim. The goal is to make this moment in your weight-loss journey just as delicious as the final destination.

The life you are living is happening right now—not just when you have reached your weight-loss goal.

Allow yourself to enjoy every step of your wellness journey.

Together we can do it!