self forgiveness

I had a plan . . . and then I didn’t follow it.

Instead of buying the candy I didn’t like, I bought the miniature chocolates, justifying that I could save out the dark chocolate from the bunch.

And then I proceeded to eat 4 pieces.

No big deal, right? I’m not going to beat myself up over it.

Yesterday is done. I’m going to focus on the choices I am making today.

But this is kind of warning flare for me that I need to pay attention and be more mindful.

Halloween is the traditional start of holiday bingeing.

After falling into the temptation of Halloween candy, women often think, “Well, I’ve blown it. Might as well eat whatever I want and start that diet on January 1st.”

Here’s the problem.

After two months of eating and drinking too much of everything, women typically start the New Year feeling horrible about themselves, and with a desperate desire to be slimmer.

But few of those “Go on a diet” resolutions make it past January and statistics show that those few pounds gained between October 31 and January 1 are never lost and actually accumulates over the years.

Unaddressed, those pounds—and the associated negative thoughts and emotions about your body and yourself—can have a detrimental impact on your wellness and well-being.

So how did you do last night?

Were you the victor over the Halloween candy—or a victim?

If you were the victor, woo hoo! Way to go! You are starting the holiday season on the right foot and are on track to feel and be your best on New Year’s Day.

If not—and you feel guilty about it—let it go. It’s not the end of the world. And the great news is you get a brand new day today to make new choices.

Regardless if you were victor or victim, the question is, What do you do from here?”

Step 1: Get rid of leftover candy. (That does not mean eat it!) 

Many of my clients will eat even the candy they hate—because they don’t want to waste it.

This, my fabulous readers, is faulty thinking.

One of the things that holds women back from creating the body and life of their dreams is accepting those limiting beliefs they have picked up from others as Truth.

The Truth is this candy in your body is just as wasteful as putting it in the trash. You can either waste it, or you waist it. 

If you can’t give the candy away—throw it away!

My husband took the remaining candy we had into work today, so step 1 for me is complete.

Step 2: Decide to take Response-Ability. 

Whether you realize it or not, you do have Response-Ability. You have the ability to choose your response.

This means, you have the power to choose what you put in your mouth.

Regardless if your husband brought home your favorite candy, or you didn’t have a single trick or treater, or the candy is super tempting, the candy is not going to knock you to the floor and jump into your mouth against your will.

That’s not what happened to me.

I made a conscious decision to get a different kind of candy and then I made the conscious decision to put that candy in my mouth and fully savor and enjoy it.

The primary thing is to make sure you are in alignment with the choice you are making.

This means your thoughts, feelings. and beliefs all give a green light to your actions. No guilt, no regret, no beating yourself up, or thinking you “shouldn’t.”

For me, I was able to justify that I will eat less at a party this weekend. I created a new strategy where I will take a healthy dish to the potluck that I can fully enjoy guilt-free and I will forgo most of the treats there.

Step 3: Figure out what it is about being slim that you want.

What feels more compelling? The goal to lose 30 pounds or to eat the candy right in front of you?

Of course it’s the candy! 

So you need to look inside for a super compelling reason WHY skipping the candy feels better. Write it down. Read it often; daily if possible.

Remember your WHY and use that to help you decide what you are going to do.

Step 4: What is your plan?

How are you going to deal with the temptations? How are you going to make sure you aren’t too hungry at parties? How can you ensure there’s something healthy on the Thanksgiving menu?

And know this doesn’t mean all or nothing. This doesn’t mean depriving yourself and not enjoying the holidays.

This means figuring out before hand how you can create the holidays that will feel best to you—and then follow through with that plan.

If Thanksgiving isn’t Thanksgiving without a piece of pumpkin pie, then by all means plan to have the pie! But what other choices do you need to make so that pie is part of your healthy holiday eating plan?

And if you do change your plan, like I did, own it. You are the leader of your own body–and life. Now what choices do you need to make?

Yesterday was just one day in your hopefully very long life. If you ate more calories than you wanted, what can you do today to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep making progress on your wellness journey?

What can you do to ensure that you feel like a victor come January 1?

Together we can do it!


Capture LYW Through the Holidays 2

Unless you do something different this year, chances are you will start January 1, 2014, making yet another New Year’s resolution to lose weight.

Give yourself the gift of not only getting the support you need to begin the New Year looking and feeling your best . . . but the skills, information, and techniques that will ensure you love your body every January 1st to come.

Go Here for More Information: