Note From Hanna 



As I watched this video from Britain’s Got Talent, I marveled at how such a talented and beautiful woman could struggle with such self-doubt.


But in reality, I’m no different from her.

And neither are you.

I know that’s a bold thing to say.

But the truth is everyone struggles with self-doubt.

Everyone worries about being judged . . . and not being good enough in some area of their life.

And too many women allow other people’s judgments to determine their value and self-worthwhich can crush their dreams.

I did it.

Even though I have made a career as a professional writer, it’s only been in the last month that I broke through old self-doubt resulting from past criticism to allow myself to do something I hadn’t done in almost 20 years.

It is with great joy that I’ve been inspired to take up my first love–creative writing.

There’s a part of me that doesn’t even want to share this, because I’m wanting to nurture and protect this vulnerable—and exceptionally valuable—part of who I am.

The old fear and doubt wants to whisper in my ear.

But there is also the joy, freedom, and empowerment of no longer letting that fear and self-doubt get in my way.

  • I’m writing because I love to write.
  • I’m writing because I love the story that has formed in my head.
  • I’m writing because it is a long-held dream.
  • I’m writing because it is who I truly am.
  • I’m writing because fully embracing the whole of me—regardless of the “results” or “success”—is the greatest gift I can give to this magnificent world.

And none of that is reliant on anyone approving of what I do . . . or even how well others judge that I do it.

All that matters is that I do it.

The same is true with your releasing weight.

There may be a part of you that questions if you can do it, and that judges yourself for not already being at the weight you “should” be. You may feel like because you have failed in the past, you will likely fail again.

This is truly self-doubt getting in the way of your creating the body you want.

In the blog below, I share some tips for boosting your self-confidence—and your weight loss success. 

How willing are you to do these and let go of self-doubt?

Email me and let me know.

With much love and appreciation,

Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP

Wellness Tip



As you let go of limiting beliefs and align with who you really are, the faster you create the body you want.


Courses & Offerings


Special Offer Ends September 30

Last Chance to Get $100 OFF Your Slim IQ!

Your Slim IQ is a fast and effective coaching process that will show you exactly why you are stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle. (And what to do about it!)In 60 minutes you’ll know your Slim IQ score, plus get crystal clear on how you can release the weight—for good!
  • A private, scientifically proven online assessment* tells you Your Slim IQ score.
  • A 45 minute debrief with Hanna shows you WHY you keep holding onto that extra weight or losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again—and what to do differently.
Get Access to Your Slim IQ for $100 Off at

Tuesday, October 1, 8 p.m. USA Eastern 

Beautiful Inside and Out:

How Powerful Women

Transformed Their Bodies

While Creating a Life They Love 

My guest in October is Tanya Penny, Stress Therapy Coach and Certified iRest® Teacher.

Don’t miss Tanya’s remarkable healing story of how she overcame 20 years with MS pain, insomnia, anxiety, and poor self-image/body-image.

Join me for these LIVE no-cost monthly interviews with successful women whose physical transformations were key to creating the body—and life—they really wanted.

Tips to Boost Your Weight-Loss Success 


Why is it that one woman can follow a diet and exercise program and have great results and another can use the exact same regimen and not see the same progress?It has less to do with your metabolism, genes, luck, etc., etc., than you might think.Often overlooked but critical factors are your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs while you are doing the diet or exercise program.This is truly one of the missing links that causes so many diet and exercise programs to fail long-term.Here are the typical issues that are at the root of what causes lackluster results.

  • Commitment—You want to release the weight, but mentally, a part of you is holding back. You’re just going through the motions. You aren’t giving what you are doing your all.
  • Shiny Object Syndrome—You constantly question if the program you are doing is right for you and if it will really work. Even as you are going through the motions, you’re wondering about the next diet or workout program.
  • Self-Doubt—There’s a part of you that just doesn’t believe you can achieve your goals. Your constantly telling yourself, “I can’t . . .”
  • Have to Vs. Want To—Did you pick a program that you actually WANT to do, or are you doing what you think you HAVE to do to release the weight? If you hate to run, why pick a program that has running in it? You are sabotaging yourself if you spend the entire time thinking thoughts like: “I hate exercise.” “How soon till this is over?” “I hate to sweat.” Just get me through this torture.”

It’s time to get off the fence.

  • Commit to what you want and give it your all.
  • Choose a way of eating and moving your body that feels good to you—and then commit to your program for a set amount of time to see if it’s working for you.
  • Shift your thoughts about what you are doing. Change negative thoughts so they help support you in believing you can achieve your goals.

Here are some tips to help boost your weight-loss success.

  • Make a list of all the reasons WHY you want optimal wellness. Include everything—from wanting to look hot in a pair of jeans to wanting to be around to play with your grand-kids  Go deep and find that reason that is so powerful, you want to get out of bed in the morning and get your workout in. Read this list daily.
  • Notice the negative thoughts you are thinking. Write out new thoughts that you want to think. They need to be believable to you! Don’t change “I hate to exercise” to “I love to exercise.” That just feels like a big fat lie. But you could change it to, “I am choosing to exercise because I know it will make me feel better after I do it and it will help me achieve my goals.” Read this new thought every day and start reaching for it when you have the old negative thought. Soon you will have retrained your brain to automatically go to this new thought.
  • Chose a physical activity that you enjoy to begin with. Exercise does not have to be an hour in the gym doing things you hate. Look around. Try new things. It’s about finding a way to move you’re your body that YOU enjoy and adopting a healthy eating plan that YOU can make a lifestyle.
  • Celebrate every sign of success. Every time you have a jolt of unexpected energy during your day, notice it! Celebrate it! That is a result of what you are doing. It’s not just about your pants getting looser—although you want to celebrate that, too. It’s about creating a vibrant and healthy you! Look for and celebrate every sign that she is emerging. Bonus! Celebrating every sign of success generates momentum that makes you more likely to want to get up and do your workout again tomorrow.

Believe it or not, you can change long-held thoughts, feelings, and beliefs—if you want to. This helps you fully commit to the action you are taking, so you get the results you want.

Together we can do it!

About Hanna


Hanna empowers soul-centered women who struggle with losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again to break the rebound weight-gain cycle for good.
She is passionate about helping women who are awakening to their true selves become confident in their choices and bodies so that they fall in love with who they are and the life they are living.
Hanna Goss is a nationally acclaimed coach, author, and speaker. As a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner, she is trained to listen and elicits solutions and strategies from you that will result in a customized approach to meet your individual needs. She provides personalized support during each step of your tailored action plan that will create successful and sustainable change.

Learn more about Hanna’s programs and services, or sign up for her free eBook, inspirational blogs. and daily wellness tips by visiting her website at