Accept Yourself


What do you see when you look in the mirror? What are your thoughts about yourself? How much praise is there compared to criticism?

According to a recent survey by Glamour, on average, women have 13 negative body thoughts daily and a disturbing number of women confess to having 35, 50 or even 100 hateful thoughts about their own shapes each day.

Would you speak to someone else the way you speak to yourself? How would they feel if you did?

If the majority of your self-talk it’s something you would never say to someone else, why is it OK to say to yourself?

Don’t worry. It’s not just you.

In fact, it may actually be more socially acceptable to insult your body than to praise it.

According to Ann Kearney-Cooke, Ph.D., a Cincinnati psychologist who specializes in body image and helped design the Glamour survey, “It’s become such an accepted norm to put yourself down that if someone says she likes her body, she’s the odd woman out.”

Kearney-Cooke says a big reason for this is that we’ve actually trained ourselves to think this way. 

“Neuroscience has shown that whatever you focus on shapes your brain. If you’re constantly thinking negative thoughts about your body, that neural pathway becomes stronger—and those thoughts become habitual.”

This is why you have to transform your mind to get the body you want.

One of my client’s biggest thought patterns is that they are less than—less valuable, less important, less smart, less beautiful, less worthy, etc., etc.—than those to whom they compare themselves.

Retraining how you think  is critical to breaking the rebound weight-gain cycle for good.

One way to retrain your brain is to acknowledge the truth.

The truth is you are unique.

No one else in the world has had the exact experiences that you’ve had, or sees the world in exactly the same way you do. Your one-of-a-kind perspective adds value to this world. It is important to All-That-Is.

There is a reason you are You.

You are more powerful than you can imagine.

You have the potential to have complete creative control over your life. All it requires is shifting your focus to where you want to go, knowing that it is an absolute fact that you will get there.

You are uniquely gifted. Your gifts add to this world the way an instrument adds to a symphony. Your instrument sounds beautiful all on its own, and adds to the whole when it is joined with others. Your instrument only sounds flat and out of tune when you are being less than who you truly are.

You are resourceful and are much greater and wiser than you appear to be. The solution to any problem is always there if you will but take your eyes off the problem long enough to look for it.

You are loved more than you can possibly imagine. Not only by your families and friends, but by people whose lives you have touched without even knowing it. Most importantly, you are loved totally and completely by the Source of All-That-Is.

How can you begin seeing yourself this way?

  • Acknowledge that there are no reprimands or limitations in your mind other than the ones you dish out. No angry hordes will come after you with pitchforks for acknowledging that you are unique, powerful, gifted, resourceful, and loved.
  • Become more aware of the negative thoughts about your body that you do have . . . and let them go without judgment. Those are just the old patterns that no longer serve you.
  • Begin to consciously choose better feeling thoughts about yourself that you can believe. For instance, focus on something about your body you do like, or that is working well. Add to that list every day.
  • Decide to practice those new thoughts and create new  neural pathways that support you.

Knowing your worthiness can only come from the inside out. You cannot depend on anyone else to see or confirm it for you.

When you allow yourself to see the value and beauty in you, you will have transformed your mind, which is key to getting the body—and life—you really want.

Together we can do it!

Capture Fabulous Slim and Sexy