

Can you look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I love you” and really mean it?

If it feels like anything less than complete and total Truth, you are dealing with your own BS—Belief Systems.

“A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.”


To get the body you want, you have to let go of the BS literally weighing you down!

It may be beliefs such as:

  • My body is flawed. It just doesn’t work like everyone else’s.
  • I can look at chocolate cake and gain weight.
  • I hate to exercise.
  • Healthy food doesn’t taste good.
  • I don’t like vegetables.
  • I am fat because I love to eat.
  • I have to diet and exercise perfectly or I might as well give up.
  • I can’t stop at just one.
  • I have no self-control.
  • I just haven’t found the “right” diet or exercise program.

Get the picture?

If you are struggling with losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again, I can guarantee that you have some BS that you need to clean up to break the rebound weight-gain cycle—for good!

At the root of the BS keeping you fat is that you should not love . . . you!

Women stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle often struggle to look themselves in the eye and say anything positive. All they can see is their flaws.

When they try to say positive affirmations about themselves or their bodies it feels like a big fat lie.

You must learn to love yourself first.

Far from being a selfish act, self-love gives you the energy and empowerment to be more self-less.

This is true because All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) loves you, adores you, and sees your body as perfect.

And just as you are loved and adored by All-That-Is, so is everyone else.

Everyone adds irreplaceable value to this world.

The more you love yourself—just as you are—the more you are able to love and accept others.

It is not only OK to love yourself, but it is Who you are meant to be.

  • It is time to appreciate Who you are, and the unique gifts and perspective that you bring to this growing and expanding Universe.
  • It is time to look in the mirror and celebrate the body you have helped co-create.
  • It is time to open your heart so that you can more fully love and appreciate yourself—and others.

Not only does loving yourself feel better, but it literally triggers healing at the cellular level that can help you release the weight. It also inspires new thoughts, that lead to new beliefs that support new actions that help you creating the body–and life–that you really want.

A simple way to begin loving yourself is to stand in front of a mirror and focus on 1 to 3 things and practice loving them.

Maybe it’s your hair, your smile, and your eyes—anything that you can appreciate. Practice loving them for at least 1 minute every day. As you get good at loving those parts, begin to add other parts and practice loving them.

What are those things about your body–and yourself–that you can agree with Source are worth loving? Today, look for those things. Acknowledge those things. Celebrate those things.

Because you are worthy of your own self-love.

Together we can do it!

Capture Fabulous Slim and Sexy