Let go and see the magic


One of my clients recently decided to go on an extreme diet cleanse. She didn’t ask my opinion and so I offered her my full support on her chosen course of action.

I did this because each of you knows your body better than I do.

You know the answers that are right for you and your body better than anyone else.

But you have to stop asking for “expert” advice and start tuning in to get the answers.

It wasn’t long before I got an email from my client saying her body was screaming at her for more protein. The cleanse that was supposed to last a month lasted a week.

My response? Bravo!

You see, my client is a “get shit done” person.

Just like this client, a lot of the women I work with are people who have the willpower, self-control, and discipline to “stick to the program.” (And just so you know, I’m absolutely guilty of this. I tend to attract clients who are like me.)

See if you can relate.

If you decided to start a cleanse, this might mean you would be so determined to see it through with no “cheating” that you would override the messages that your body was giving you.

Despite getting the message from your body loud and clear that something had to change (headache, body aches, cravings, etc.), if the “expert” said it wasn’t time to add in protein, you would fight to follow the rules “perfectly.”

Until your body totally rebelled and you found yourself wildly eating all the foods you were supposed to be avoiding.

Chances are you would feel like a failure.

Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing. Fighting against your body NEVER works.

Creating optimal weight and wellness is NOT about willpower, or self-control, or extreme discipline.

So it was huge progress that my client listened to her body and stopped the extreme diet.

Was it a waste of time? Was she a failure for not following through?

Absolutely not!

She got a lot of valuable information about her body’s needs and what was right for her. She tuned in. She listened.

We are born with the ability to listen to our bodies.

But you were taught to stop listening.

Early in your life you were told . . . no ordered . . . to:

  • Clean your plate.
  • Sit still
  • Be quiet
  • Etc., etc.

You learn to sit still and study, instead of go out and play.

You learn to tune out your bodies messages in order to be a “responsible” adult.

You feel your value is in working long hours and taking care of everyone else.

Over time, you aren’t getting enough sleep.

You aren’t paying attention to what you are eating; you’re just going for quick and easy.

You’re overscheduled and are always rushing.

You find yourself not able to relax because there’s always something to do.

You don’t take time for you. Or when you do, you are totally exhausted.

You are pushing your body to its limits.

You start to gain weight and have pain. It begins to interfere with your ability to “get shit done.”

And then you feel like your body is somehow broken, or is betraying you.

Here’s some tough love.

This is your body saying “No more!”

This is your body saying, “Tune in! Listen!”

You may even know this.

You promise to start that diet on Monday, or when you get past this deadline, or when this overwhelming life experience is over.

So you ignore your body and keep pushing.

Is it any wonder that so many find themselves overweight . . . or sick?

You can stop the madness right now. You don’t have to wait until the physical pain or weight is so bad that you have no other choice but to listen.

Begin to re-learn how to listen to your body right now.

As a spiritual woman, you may “get” that your body is a gift. You may understand that it is your true life partner. You may even marvel at the power that beats your heart in and out without your thinking about it.

But that is all “head-based.” It’s not inspiring your actions. You are not embodying that “knowing.”

As you tune in and listen, you will re-discover that:

  • Your body speaks to you and that it is wise.
  • Working in partnership with your body improves all areas of your life.
  • Your body loves you, even when you aren’t loving it.

Take a moment right now to quiet your mind.

(I hear you saying you don’t have time for this. Honestly, you don’t have time NOT to do this.)

Put one hand on your heart and the other on your stomach and ask your body what it needs. Allow yourself to listen.

Now follow through on what you heard.

Do this again tomorrow.

Together we can do it!

Program Starts October 15 . . .



Taking on a diet and exercise program that is not rooted in self-love is why a significant majority of diets and exercise programs fail long-term.

For lasting results, you have to change your core thoughts and beliefs about who you are, what you deserve, and what you can achieve . . . along with eating healthy foods and moving your body.

By following my revolutionary process, you can finally harness the power of self-love to break the rebound weight-gain cycle—for good!

Go Here for More Information: http://loveyourwayslim.com/love-your-way/