Ready to stop the rebound weight cycle once and for all? While in Sedona last week, I put the finishing touches on a new coaching program starting January 7 that will help you finally get the body you really want.

“I want perfect health! I like feeling good. I enjoy my good-feeling body. I have many positive memories of feeling good in my body. I see many people who are clearly in a state of good health, and it is easy to see how much they are enjoying their good-feeling bodies.” When I think thoughts like these, I feel good. These thoughts are in harmony with a healthy body.




I’m just going to come out and say it.

There is more to getting the body you want than diet and exercise alone.

This is the reason that an estimated 85 to 95 percent of diet and exercise programs fail long-term.

What is this vital piece that is missing?

It’s the energy at your core.

This is the energy that is generated by your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that is literally impacting your body at the cellular level.

It is this core energy that also connects you to Who you really are, and the Divine presence that is working in your life.

In the Core Energy Coaching™ Process that I use with my clients, the focus is two types of energies that are within each person’s core: Anabolic Energy and Catabolic Energy. 

Catabolic Energy is draining, destructive, and harmful to your body. It’s associated with negative thoughts and emotions.

It’s Stress.

Negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, generate catabolic energy that releases the stress hormone cortisol, adrenaline, and other chemicals that literally can cannibalize your body. Over time, this catabolic energy can cause everything from painful trigger points in your shoulders, to inflammation, to heart attacks.

It can even impact your metabolism and other weight-related systems making it easier to gain and harder to release weight.

At the other end of the spectrum is positive Anabolic energy.

Anabolic Energy is constructive and growth oriented. It’s associated with positive thoughts and emotions.

The anabolic energy generated by positive thoughts, feelings, and beliefs releases endorphins, testosterone, and body supporting hormones that help your body heal, rebuild, and flow with physical energy.

And yes, makes it easier to release excess weight.

Here’s an example of how catabolic thoughts, feelings, and beliefs impact your weight.

If you frequently feel that you are at the effect of external circumstances that you believe are outside of your control, at some level you feel powerless.

Maybe this shows up as:

  • Feeling unappreciated by your boss and you come home and eat a pint of ice cream.
  • Or you feel overwhelmed by everything you have on your Holiday to-do list, and fall into the chocolate.
  •  Or you’re dreading the work project you are facing, and mindlessly eat an entire bag of chips.

Some element of life is coming at you, and you are coping with these negative, emotions by eating a food that will trigger a temporary hormonal reaction in your body that does makes you feel better.

It’s like taking a drug–you do feel better!

The problem is that once the physical reaction subsides, feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing take over, driving up negative catabolic chemical reactions in your body—and those negative feelings send you back to the fridge.

Now you’re caught in an unhealthy spiral.

Your level of energy determines how successful you will be at getting the body—and life—that you want.

  • The more positive anabolic energy you have, the more capacity, buy-in, and overall success you have—meaning you have the energy to get up in the morning and move.
  • Your core energy impacts your self-concept and your concept of the world around you—those things that can drive you to the fridge.
  • It impacts how you relate, perceive and engage with others.

When you shift your core energy level by changing your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs—about your body, who you really are, and what you are capable of–you begin to fall in love with yourself.

Recognizing how stunningly beautiful you already are makes it so much easier to get the body you want.

Begin by consciously spending a few minutes every day thinking thoughts about your body and wellness that make you feel good.

While you may not see physical changes right away, you will immediately feel the difference when you are thinking thoughts that are in harmony with your body.

It comes down to this simple truth.

Positive thoughts and emotions support your body down to the cellular level. To get the body you want, practice being happy.

Together we can do it!