Mental Stress Relief


You’ve heard the Body, Mind, Spirit connection so much that it’s now cliché.

But what does it really mean?

It means that there is more to losing weight than just diet and exercise. To successfully create optimal wellness, you must also pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

It means you must have a relationship with your body.

How do you currently relate to your body? Do you love and appreciate it? Admire its strength and flexibility? Acknowledge how hard it’s working on your behalf? Consider it beautiful?

Or do you ignore it? Complain about it? Think and say mean and hurtful things about it? Do you consider your body incapable of grace, beauty, or athleticism? Do you believe it’s impossible for you to lose weight? Do you feel ugly or fat?

Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs generate energy that is literally having an impact on your body at the cellular level. Positive anabolic thoughts are rebuilding and help you reach optimal wellness. Negative catabolic thoughts are destructive and harmful to your health and wellness.

Stop a moment and think, “My body is ugly.” Is there a physical feeling associated with that, such as an uncomfortable pull in the stomach? That’s catabolic energy.

What physical feeling results from thinking, “My body is working hard on my behalf?” Do you feel a sense of easing up? That’s positive anabolic energy.

Because you carry your body around with you everywhere you go, it is truly one of your most important relationships.

Even a little bit of catabolic energy has a huge impact on your life. Have you ever walked around with a pebble in your shoe? How long were you able to keep going before you had to stop and remove the stone, even if it was tiny? Where you able to focus on the beauty of the day, the flowers that were in bloom, the person you were with, or was much of your attention on the stone in your shoe? What might have you missed even being a little focused on the stone?

Catabolic thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are much like a stone in your shoe. It doesn’t take much for them to distract you from the gifts you are receiving from your body, the joy and opportunities that abound, and the love that surrounds you. The draining effect of catabolic energy accumulates over time and distorts your perception of your body—and life.

Even a little bit of catabolic energy can make you believe you can’t do or have everything that you want, may mean you don’t give your workout your all, or have you reaching for food for comfort.

Many don’t realize they have the ability to shift their thoughts, feelings and beliefs. But you absolutely DO have the power to dump those mental pebbles out of your shoe!

How differently would you approach the physical actions of eating healthy and moving your body if you believed your body was capable of being fit, strong, healthy, and slim?

To shift those well-rehearsed catabolic thoughts and beliefs you have about your body to generate more positive anabolic energy requires a little practice, persistence, and patience. Begin by:

  • Focusing on what you can appreciate. Start a list of the things that your body is doing well. Read and add to this daily.
  • Turning your thoughts off. Practice quieting your mind, even for just 5 minutes a day. Listen to a song that makes your heart sing, focus on the sound of the heater, or pet your dog.
  • Savoring the food you eat. Slow down and taste and enjoy your food. Get behind your decision to eat what you are eating, and let go of any guilt or remorse. If you know you will feel guilty, make a different choice.

Pay attention to how your body and choices change after just a week, or a month of practicing new thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Imagine how harnessing the power of your positive thoughts, feelings, and beliefs will help you create the body you want.

Together we can do it!

Empower Yourself to Get the Body You Want

Are you ready to create a body and lifestyle you love? To successfully get to—and easily maintain—your optimal weight? To enjoy eating all the foods you love, and be healthier and more vibrant than ever before?

Do you want to wake up knowing you are at your physical and emotional best? To know your body is fit and capable of taking on every goal you’ve set for yourself? To be tapped into Universal forces so that your fitness and overall wellness feels guaranteed?

I have a few sessions open this week to talk with women seriously interested in creating they body they want in 2013. Email me today to schedule your breakthrough