Mental Stress Relief


Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you’re worrying, you are planning. When you’re appreciating you are planning…What are you planning?


  • How much time do you spend doubting that you will achieve your weight-loss goals?
  • How much time do you spend worrying about what you are going to eat—or what you did eat?
  • How much time do you spend feeling discouraged that your body isn’t where you want it to be?

If you are wanting to lose weight—again—I would bet good money that you spend way more time feeling doubtful, worrying, and discouraged.

Maybe more time than you realize.

This may be bold to say, but if you didn’t, you would already have the body you want.

Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about your body—and about your life—are keeping you stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle.

When more of your focus is on how much you appreciate your body, the confidence you have in your actions equaling results, how delicious every bite of food is . . . you will release the weight—and keep it off.

Sounds too simplistic doesn’t it?

You may think losing weight is about dieting and exercise.


But there is more to it. If there wasn’t, researchers at UCLA would not estimate that 2/3rds of dieters not only regain the weight they just lost—but then some.

If you just stay focused on the action alone, you will continue to struggle with your weight.

As Albert Einstein said, the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

The need to dig deeper starts to make sense when you think about the Foundation Principle that “Like Energy Attracts Like Energy,”also known as the Law of Attraction.

Very simply, this means that if you’re doubting, worrying, or being critical of yourself or others you’re attracting more of that same energy back to you. In other words, you’re creating more things about which to doubt, worry, or be critical.

A quick way to check what you’re thinking—and therefore creating—is to examine what you expect.

  • Do you expect weight loss to be hard—or easy?
  • Do you expect your diet and exercise plan to work—or not?
  • Do you expect that your body will work hard on your behalf—or not?
  • Do you generally expect life to go your way—or not?
  • Do you expect that there is a solution to every problem—or not?

You are getting more of what you expect. 

All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) absolutely wants you to have every good thing you desire—including having the body you want. But you have to open the vibrational-door wide enough to receive it.

You’re opening that door when you’re experiencing positive emotions, such as hope, contentment, eagerness, excitement, confidence, joy, and love. 

Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are creating your life. They are the foundation for everything you do—and what you are attracting to you.

If you want your body to be different, then your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs have to be different first.

You have to shift your thoughts to accept and begin to believe that:

  • Weight loss can be easy.
  • If you do it consistently, your diet and exercise plan will work.
  • Your body is working hard on your behalf.
  • Life is working out for you.
  • There absolutely is a solution to every problem.

Shifting your thoughts and beliefs is a process. After all, you didn’t come to these mental patterns over night. You developed them throughout your life.

But they can be changed.

Begin to pay attention to when you are doubting, worrying, or being self-critical. How often are you feeling these—or other—negative emotions?

How can you begin to shift your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs more towards hope, gratitude, confidence, and expectation?

More importantly, what can you do to believe it?

Together we can do it!