

Do you believe that you deserve to have the body you want?

If you are stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle, chances are you cannot answer with an emphatic, “YES!”

There can be a lot of reasons for this.

  • You may feel that you have to take care of everyone else first.
  • You may be afraid that people won’t like you—or will judge you in some way—if you are too slim.
  • You may feel it is literally unsafe to be attractive due to past experiences.
  • Etc.

As long as you don’t believe that you deserve to have the body you want—that it is your absolute right to be healthy, strong, and slim—you will continue to unknowingly sabotage your weight-loss efforts.

You do this by:

  • Telling yourself you don’t have the time or energy to eat healthy foods or move your body.
  • Perpetuating thoughts like, “I don’t like to exercise,”or “I hate vegetables.”
  • Convincing yourself, “This is just who I am.”

Oh, I totally get it.

These thoughts feel real.

They feel like truth.

But I guarantee that if you begin to change your underlying belief that your perspective on all the things holding you back would begin to change, too.

  • You would begin to see the truth that taking the time for self-care results in you having more energy to get things done in less time.
  • You would begin to see that there is some way of moving your body that you find fun!
  • You would acknowledge that there are a few vegetables that you actually do like, and you would be willing to experiment to find foods and cooking methods that are not only healthy, but that you and your family find delicious.
  • You would begin to understand that who you are is a choice and that you can choose to be the person you want to be.

It all comes down to a belief.

Do you believe that you deserve to have the body you want?

Is your answer moving you closer to releasing the weight for good, or keeping you stuck losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again?

By slowly and steadily shifting that belief, you will easily get the body you want.

Together we can do it!

Program Starts Monday! 

Capture Fabulous Slim and Sexy
