
Not long ago, a friend of mine who struggles with her weight commented on how slim I was looking and said with a heavy sigh, “You are so lucky.”

Does this feel like a familiar sentiment?

You may think having the body you want is just a matter of what you were blessed with when you were born. You may feel that you got the short-end of the gene-pool stick. You may believe that when it comes to your body, you are unlucky.

Truly, luck has nothing to do with it.

I didn’t say anything when my friend made her comment, but I thought her perspective was interesting since she knew me four years ago when I was at my heaviest weight ever and has witnessed me not only getting the weight off, but keeping it off for the first time in my life.

While it’s not sexy to hear, what I discovered is there is more determination and action than luck in having the body you want.

This doesn’t mean it has to be hard!

But it does mean letting go of the belief that optimal wellness is about luck, and beginning to align the small decisions you make throughout your day with your vision of the body you want. 

This may be hard to hear, but truly it is NOT luck. It is those small decisions you make all day every day that are creating the body you have.

Wellness is something that I focus on and strive to achieve. I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I am committed to regularly moving my body and eating healthy food most of the time.

Most importantly, I changed my relationship with my body—and myself.

I love and appreciate myself more, and as a result, I naturally want to do more to take care of me.

This may sound selfish.

But I have discovered that this “selfishness” of making my self-care a priority has actually enabled me to do more for others.

Feeling better mind, body, and spirit not only gives you more physical energy, but more mental and emotional energy, too.

When you are happier, healthier, and more in love with life, you have an even greater positive impact on everyone else.

Women I work with often assume that everyone else has it easier than they do and that they are alone in their struggles. You may think weight loss, relationships, and life are just easier for everyone else.

Even when we witness other people’s struggles we can forget.

My friend doesn’t remember that in the middle of my effort to release the weight that my husband suffered a life-changing illness that made it hard for him to get out of bed. While he’s much better now, there were some tough times that would have been easy to use as an excuse for my giving up on my own self-care.

Everyone has had their share of struggle and challenge that they have overcome—including you.

What you have overcome in your life is amazing! Take a second to look back at what you have lived through and how you have prevailed. Take pride in the journey you have made.

It is so much more powerful—and empowering—to only compare you with you.

My friend, mentor, and fellow coach Jennifer Barley says luck is about “having intentions, aligning your actions, sending out the right kind of energy, leading with your heart, and being in the now.”

The only thing I would add is it’s also letting go of comparing your success to anyone else’s.

To change your luck to get the body you want:

  • Look at what you really want and the heart-felt reason Why you want it.
  • Figure out one small step you can take that will more you towards that, and love yourself enough to take it.
  • Do that again tomorrow.
  • After a little while, look back and celebrate how far you have come.

Changing your luck is about loving and empowering yourself enough to take action to get the body you want.

Together we can do it!

Discover How to Change Your Luck!

I’m offering a FREE tele-seminar to reveal the key strategies you need to go from constant self-criticism to experiencing the joy and freedom of being at your optimal weight and thriving with physical wellness and well-being.

March 4, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

The REAL Weight-Loss Solution: 3 Hidden Truths to Create Your Slim Body

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover from this call:

  • The mindset must-haves that naturally lead to wanting to eat healthy food and enjoy moving your body. (Let go of the dread and struggle!)
  • How you have unknowingly been sabotaging your weight-loss efforts.
  • The exact steps to take to create the body you want.

Click Here to Register!