Do you want to lose weight—

and keep it off?

Calling heart-centered woman who struggle with losing and regaining the same 30 pounds and are ready to tap into the power of your mind and spirit to create the body you want.

If you know it’s time to finally. . .

  • Get to—and maintain!—your optimal weight
  • Fully appreciate your amazing body
  • Feel comfortable and confident in your skin, no matter who you are with, or what you are doing
  • Wake up every morning feeling refreshed, energized, and eager to start your day
  • Create a soul-satisfying relationship with food
  • Have fun achieving your weight-loss goals AND feeling attractive every step of the way
  • Create vibrant health and FULLY live your life, even during vacations, spiritual adventures, and time with your family


To a special tele-seminar where I will reveal

  • The #1 Factor for Losing Weight—and Keeping It Off
  • How to Boost Your Weight Loss Results By 225 Percent!
  • The Overlooked Secret to Making Diet and Exercise Not Only Easy, But Fun! (YES! It really is possible!)

hanna-gossHi! I’m Hanna Goss and I’m going to confirm something you’ve suspected.

There is something missing from every diet and exercise program you have ever tried.

This is the reason researchers at UCLA estimate that two thirds of dieters regain more weight than they lost on their diets.

Research proves most diet and exercise programs fail long-term and could even ultimately lead to weight gain!

As Albert Einstein said, the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

There is more to losing weight than counting calories, eliminating foods, and forcing yourself to do exercise that you hate. If that’s all there was to it, you would already have the body you want!

The thing is, no one has ever shown you how to endonce and for all—the self-sabotaging habits that are keeping you stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle.

Here is the good news.

Losing weight—and keeping it off—doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to leave you feeling hungry, deprived, and like you are missing out on life.

Isn’t that why you want to lose weight in the first place?

  • You want to feel body confident—in your clothes and out!
  • You want to eat delicious foods—and feel soul satisfied.
  • You want to feel energetic and vibrant—fully capable of engaging in every part of your life.

That’s what I wanted—and now have!

Just a few short years ago, my weight was a constant struggle. I was always on a diet.

I would lose weight and meet my goal for what felt like 5 minutes, only to gain it right back. This rebound weight-gain cycle repeated itself over and over again.

And each time, dieting and exercise got harder and harder. I tried A LOT of weight-loss programs.

I felt betrayed by my body. Why wasn’t diet and exercise getting me the body I wanted?

I believed something was wrong with me. If I was just stronger or more disciplined or . . . somehow better.

I thought I had to diet and exercise perfectly or I had failed.

Every day, I quietly suffered from body shame.

I knew there had to be another way.

The turning point came when I began changing on the inside and connecting my Spirit to my body. What I discovered helped me easily lose 34 pounds—and keep it off for more than 2 years!

Before and After1

Today, I love my body and life more than I thought possible!

It became my goal to keep other woman—like you—from suffering from the pain of body shame that I’d experienced.

This is why I’m offering a FREE tele-seminar to reveal the key strategies you need to go from constant self-criticism to experiencing the joy and freedom of being at your optimal weight and thriving with physical wellness and well-being.

March 4, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

The REAL Weight-Loss Solution: 3 Hidden Truths to Create Your Slim Body

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover from this call:

  • The mindset must-haves that naturally lead to wanting to eat healthy food and enjoy moving your body. (Let go of the dread and struggle!)
  • How you have unknowingly been sabotaging your weight-loss efforts.
  • The exact steps to take to create the body you want.

Simply register below with your name and primary email and you’ll receive access information.


Don’t miss this one time opportunity.

Together we can do it!


Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP

P.S. This is not your typical weight-loss information. This is what is missing from every diet and exercise program you have ever tried.

Register for this free seminar now!

About Hanna


HG-049-facebookHanna empowers soul-centered women to be fabulous, slim, and sexy so that they live a healthy, vibrant, and fulfilling life that is meaningful to themselves and others.

She is passionate about helping women who are awakening to their true selves become confident in their choices and bodies so that they fall in love with who they are and the life they are living.

Hanna Goss is a nationally acclaimed coach, author, and speaker. As a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner, she is trained to listen and elicits solutions and strategies from you that will result in a customized approach to meet your individual needs. She provides personalized support during each step of your tailored action plan that will create successful and sustainable change.

Learn more about Hanna’s programs and services by visiting her website at