David and I are headed out this morning to go zip-lining, so I’m sharing one of my favorite past blogs.


Have you ever lost weight, but after you met your goal you still felt fat?

How quickly did you gain back the weight?

Feeling slim is critical to being slim long-term.

Your thoughts and feelings are much more powerful than most people understand.

When you take into account the Foundation Principle that “Energy Attracts Like Energy,” also known as the Law of Attraction, you begin to understand that how you see yourself and where you put your focus can make a difference in how well you maintain your weight loss.

To truly be a fit, strong, and slim person, it’s important to see yourself as a fit, strong, and slim person.

One of the reasons is that when you feel slim you begin to take on the behavioral characteristics of someone who is slim.

For instance, how much easier is it to resist those chocolate chip cookies if you are feeling confident and excited about being fit, strong, and slim versus seeing yourself as fat with no hope of ever having a beautiful body?

Most people see themselves through filters of self-criticism, limiting beliefs, assumptions about past experiences repeating themselves, and self-created interpretations about their lives.

Diet and exercise alone doesn’t alter those self-perceptions. Those changes have to come from the inside out.

Removing those negative, catabolic filters and shifting your self-perception so you can truly see yourself living the life you want takes time, energy, and practice, just as creating a healthy lifestyle takes time, energy, and practice.

When you practice both the internal and external changes you begin consciously creating the body–and life–you want.

Here are some simple tips to practice feeling slim.

  • Focus more on the parts of your body you can appreciate. If you are being critical of your stomach, shift your attention to your shapely calves instead.
  • Count and celebrate all the actions you are taking towards meeting your goals—and let go of the rest.
  • Act “as if” you are fit, strong, and slim now. The more you practice the more natural it becomes.

Practicing feeling slim along with healthy eating and moving your body helps you lose weight–and keep it off.

Together we can do it!