What if Who you are at your best is Who you truly are? That your very core is the person who responds with a kind word, helps others, and engages with and loves life?

What if all you had to do to be the best possible version of you was to accept that higher vision as Truth, and let go of some long-practiced inaccurate thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about Who you are, what you deserve, and how great your life can be?

Would being that bigger, brighter, happier version of you be worth the time and effort to let go of everything but the belief that you can be that person?

If you at least hope that these words are true, then you can become the best possible version of you.

If you don’t believe they are true, then that is all that is holding you back from doing the same thing.

During coach training this weekend, I got some clarity on all those things that I think and tell myself that hold me back from being the best possible version of me.

It all boiled down to old messages that I picked up along the road of life that are not true.

Thoughts like:

  • “Don’t try because it will only lead to failure and rejection.”
  • “No one listens or cares about me.”
  • “I’m not capable.”
  • “I should have known and done better.”
  • “I am stupid, forgetful, thoughtless, lazy, etc.”
  • “Life is hard.”
  • “I have to do everything myself.”
  • “I must protect myself.”
  • “I must control all aspects of my life.”
  • “Eating helps me relax.”
  • “I don’t want to be told what to do.”

There are of course lots more, but I expect you get the point and might even recognize some of these as thoughts and beliefs that you’ve had.

Your negative, catabolic self-perception and world-view is all that is holding you back. Whoever told you those things was wrong. Those conclusions you drew were inaccurate.

The Truth is the only way to succeed is to have fun trying, and to learn from each experience until you get the result you want. You are fully seen and loved beyond measure. You are more capable than you can imagine. The process of learning how to do better is incredibly valuable. You are worthy and brilliant. All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) is working on your behalf, if you will let It. There is no one right way to do anything and the way others do it is valuable. You are perfectly safe. Your life is unfolding just as it should. All of your emotions are valuable and are worth feeling fully. Finding the solution that works best for everyone is the best way to work with others.

Create a vision of Who you are when you are at your best. What are the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that are holding you back? What can you do today to be the person you truly are?

Together we can do it!

Photo by SOMMAI/FreeDigitalPhotos.net