
How likely are you to even try to achieve something if deep down you don’t even believe it is possible?

What if the thing holding you back from experiencing optimal wellness is your belief that you don’t have it?

“Wait a minute,” you might say. “I don’t have optimal wellness. How can I believe anything other than the fact that I don’t have it?”

And there is the problem.

Most people approach life with the expectation that they will “believe it when they see it.” They want hard facts, statistics, and reality to back them up. “Show me the money,” they say.

But this defies every spiritual guidance and practice.

What is faith other than believing that all things are possible? That when you ask, it is given, and that it is up to you to “believe it and you will see it?”

Often people pray by continually asking for the same thing over and over again.

By asking more than once, you are essentially telling All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source Energy, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) that not only do you NOT have what you are praying for, but that you don’t believe or have faith that what you are asking for is coming.

The first step to creating optimal wellness is then to believe that it is even possible.

You have to disregard the evidence around you and trust that the wellness you have asked for can—and is!—yours.

It is truly a leap of faith.

But for most women, that leap is a precipice too large to jump.

Instead, it is far easier and more successful to build a mental bridge to the belief that not only is optimal wellness possible, but it’s yours if you just reach for it.

Chances are, what’s getting in the way of that belief is that you have some well-practiced thoughts about eating healthy foods and exercising.

For instance, you may have been thinking for a very long time and now believe that you hate to exercise, or that you hate eating vegetables.

As Abraham-Hicks says, “A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.” 

Shifting a belief is best done in baby steps.

For instance, you probably can’t counter the belief that you hate to exercise with the belief that you love to exercise because you don’t really believe that you love to exercise. It’s too big a jump and it feels like a big fat lie.

Instead, the small mental step you take must still be believable.

For example, when you catch yourself thinking about exercise, instead of hating it, you remember a time when you did enjoy moving your body. You may remember dancing in college, or running or riding your bike when you were a kid.

You may remember the freedom you felt while moving your body. You may realize that you don’t actually hate moving your body at all. The idea of taking a dance class or just dancing around your living room now feels really appealing.

You just gently and easily changed your thoughts.

If you keep gently and easily changing your thoughts, soon you will change your beliefs about your ability to achieve optimal wellness.

One day your realize that you actually do love moving your body. And you believe it.

What does optimal wellness and well-being mean to you? How much do you believe that it is possible to achieve? What new thought can you practice today that will help you begin to embrace the possibility?

Together we can do it!

Registration for my most powerful program closes Sunday!

You must hurry if this program feels right for you.

Are you ready to create a body and lifestyle you love? To successfully get to—and easily maintain—your optimal weight? To enjoy eating all the foods you love, and be healthier and more vibrant than ever before?

Do you want to wake up knowing you are at your physical and emotional best? To know your body is fit and capable of taking on every goal you’ve set for yourself? To be tapped into Universal forces so that your fitness and overall wellness feels guaranteed?

I have a few sessions left to talk with women seriously interested in creating they body they want in 2013. Email me today to schedule your breakthrough session.

Click here to join the Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program.