Here today

I’m going to be completely open and transparent.

A conversation I had yesterday that signaled a significant change in a 15-year relationship left me feeling sad.

Since then my mood has been bouncing all around the room.

The good news is I know this is normal—AND temporary.

My mood is more up than it is down, I have the tools to allow myself to feel the emotions and let them flow through me like water, and it is perfect timing for my own coaching session today.

But right this second, I’m feeling a little prickly.

Hey, it happens!

Change—and the resulting emotional shifts—are inevitable.

Here’s the deal.

While it can seem like we are basically living the same day over and over again, that’s actually a fallacy.

You may be following the same routine, but all around you is change.

There is a basic life principle that says, “The Only Constant is Change.” We live totally immersed in change because it’s the normal process of life.

The clouds in the sky will never be exactly the same pattern again. The birds and animals will never be in the exact same place. The cars and people moving around in their day are in totally new perspectives and positions from one another. The people we see and talk too are different, and even the words that we say to the people who are most consistent in our lives will be different.

This is truly a new day.

The problem comes when we refuse to accept change as a natural process, and instead try to control it.

You know you are trying to control change if it feels like you are being hit by a tidal wave. You may feel overwhelmed, worried, or fearful. You may feel like a victim of circumstances.

Embracing change feels like the exhilaration of riding that wave. Of being on top of it and moving and shifting with it until it runs its course. It is feeling empowered to make your own choices, and to know you have a choice even in the most difficult situations.

But if you have already been slammed by the wave of change and are doing your best just to stay afloat, how likely is it that you are going to be able to shift immediately to riding it?

Instead of beating yourself up for not catching the wave, it’s better to grab hold of your board, catch your breath, and use the lessons that you learned about what you DON’T want to help you figure out what you DO want.

While it may seem simple, a powerful way to help move you from underneath the wave to successfully riding it is to change your thoughts and language.

This is what I’m working on right now.

Changing the words you use—and the thoughts and feelings behind them—can truly change your reality. Suddenly you can see that a new wave is coming in, instead of being so focused on surviving that you totally miss the signs.

Simple changes like shifting:

  • “Have to,” to “Want to”
  • “Need to,” to “It’s Important to Me”
  • “Can’t” to “I choose not to”

These changes can profoundly impact how you adjust to change because you are shifting your focus from what you DON’T want to what you DO want.

But it may not happen instantly.

Reframing the change means consistently adjusting your thoughts . . .  adjusting your thoughts . . .  adjusting your thoughts.

It’s like taking tiny baby steps towards what you want.

Focusing on what you DO want generates positive energy and keeps you centered and powerful. It builds you up and helps you believe in yourself.

Focusing on what you DON’T want generates negative energy that is disempowering and tears you down. It keeps you stuck under those pounding waves.

What can you do to begin changing your language? How can you remind yourself to focus on what you DO want versus what you HAVE to do?

Remember, it takes persistence, practice, and patience to make the shift.

Do that, and you’ll be riding that wave of change before you know it.

Together we can do it!

Program Starts November 12th!

Unless you do something different this year, chances are you will start January 1, 2014, making yet another New Year’s resolution to lose weight.

Give yourself the gift of not only getting the support you need to begin the New Year looking and feeling your best . . . but the skills, information, and techniques that will ensure you love your body every January 1st to come.

Go Here for More Information: