Start Calling the Shots to Get the Body You Want

    You miss a workout. You fall into a container of Ben and Jerry’s. The scale only drops 2/10ths of a pound. Right on cue, your inner critic will start whispering in your ear messages like: You’re lazy. You have no willpower. There is something wrong with you. You don’t have what it takes to be slim. You might as well give up. It’s time to blow your internal whistle on the negative self-talk. When your inner critic—that part of you that believes that you are less than who you really are—shows up, it’s important to take your rightful place as the Coach calling the plays of how you will release the weight. I like to call this voice your Gremlin. Your Gremlin can sound like your Mom, your 1st grade P.E.  teacher, your first boss, etc., etc.—but it is NONE of those people. You are the only one who resides in your head. Your Gremlin is just using whatever voice and message it can to get you stop your quest to be slim. Why? Because it’s job is to keep you safe at all costs. (Ask yourself how being overweight is keeping you safe?) While you might have needed that voice to keep you out of trouble in Junior High School, it no longer serves you. And it’s been running your life for far too long. Decide right now that you are going to start calling the shots for how you release the weight. One of the reasons so many people let that internal negative voice dominate their inner monologue is they don’t know their own power. They don’t realize that their Gremlin’s job is to help them, NOT hold them back. When you give all your power to the Gremlin, it gets a […]

By |June 14th, 2013|Gremlin|0 Comments

Shine the Bright Light of Truth On Your Thoughts About Your Body (Hint! They Are Bogus!)

Do you ever catch yourself disappointed in, grumbling, or complaining about your body? By comparison, how much time do you spend thinking about all the wonderful ways that your body supports you? How beautiful it is? What it enables you to do? What do you focus on more? If you are like the majority of women who are stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle, you spend WAY more time thinking about what you don’t like. This is often because you are judging your body through the eyes of others. And I’m going to be totally honest here. My level of criticism of my body has increased over the past couple of months—since I stepped out big time with my business and new brand in December. And I’ve seen the impact on my body. And I’m finally facing what is going on. I’m worried about what you all think. Why? Because I’m not model thin. By magazine standards, my body is not perfect. Ahh, that critical Gremlin that believes I’m not good enough has been subtly whispering in my ear. So it doesn’t matter that I: Have been able to maintain a size 6 for several years. Have maintained my weight this long for the first time ever. Feel better physically than I remember ever feeling. Am stronger than ever—literally lifting more weight than I have before. Feel healthier and my diet is cleaner than ever before. Know I can rock a sexy black dress. Feel attractive and sexy with my husband. So appreciate my body and the relationship I have developed with it, and the wisdom I gain from it. Have helped others release the weight, too. There’s a part of me that feels like I’m not […]

By |March 30th, 2013|Gremlin|1 Comment

That Is So Bogus!

Your thoughts are often your worst enemies. They are probably keeping you from loving everything about your body—and your life. You may be accepting the negative messages offered by your inner critic as true. And you feel bad. Struggling with losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again is often a sign that your Gremlin has been given reign over your inner Queendom. Symptoms of this include: Feeling body shame when you look in the mirror Being overly critical of specific body parts Wanting to hide under the covers when you have sex with your partner Feeling impatient when the weight doesn’t drop off instantly Stop right there! Chances are those flimsy arguments offered up by your Gremlin are totally bogus. Search your thoughts with the bright light of Truth—those Universal Truths that are true no matter who, no matter what. Now you probably won’t be able to jump in an instant from feeling body shame to the Truth that your body is beautiful. But a feeling of relief lets you know you are headed in the right direction. Choose a different—better feeling—thought that creates an entirely new path. This might look like: Recognizing that your body is working hard to help you meet your goals. You didn’t get where you are overnight and it will take a little time to get where you want to go. Focusing on a body part you can praise. Focusing on the love you are expressing with your body. Having faith that your body is responding to your eating healthy and exercising. Changes are coming! When you catch yourself feeling a negative emotion, use that as a cue to look at your thinking. If you think […]