Note From Hanna 



It was 48 degrees this morning when my dog, Willow, and I headed out the door for our 2.5 mile run/walk/stop and smell interesting smells. (That last part is mostly Willow but someone’s breakfast did smell incredibly enticing as we went by!)

I’m craving heartier cooked fare, like healthy soups and stews.

And the creative ideas are coming fast and furious!

It is definitely feeling like the crisp bounty of Fall!

Many of the ideas that I’m having are resonating strongly with clients before I even can market them.

For instance, after mentioning a new program I’ll be officially announcing next month, 2 clients signed up immediately.

Love Your Way: The Powerful Woman’s Path to Radiance is a life-changing 6-month program designed to unlock the secrets of self-love.

Learning to love yourself is truly at the core of releasing the weight for good—or achieving any of your heart’s desires.  

You have to discover your true value and how fabulous you really are . . . first.

Plus, it will give you the structure and support you need to love your way through the holidays. (It may be hard to believe, but we will be ringing in the New Year is just over 14 weeks.

Be on the lookout for more information on this ground-breaking program.

And if you are already feeling like it might be for you, contact me before September 30 and get the $200 early bird discount.

And while I’ve cut my blog back to 3 days a week, I’m being inspired to write—a lot!

One of the things I’m writing is a chapter for an upcoming book. I’m super excited to be one of 31 experts coming together to create a powerful program to help you enhance, change, or create every area of your life.

I’ll be sharing more information on this as it gets closer, but just know that exceptional offerings are coming!

With so much going on—and the need to address a slight injury—I’ve had to really concentrate on my self-care to ensure I have the physical, emotional, and spiritual energy I want and need.

This has included finding new times and fun ways to move my body, listening to my body’s needs for heartier foods, ensuring I get adequate sleep, as well as taking time to relax and just have fun.

Self-care is never static.

It requires that you check in and communicate with your body regularly. What I’m going through now illustrates that you have to constantly adjust to provide what your body needs, and make it a top priority to ensure you are getting it on a daily basis.

In the blog below, I look at some of the signs your self-care is out of balance.

But I want to make it clear that self-care is only 1 piece of truly loving yourself.

My new program assesses and addresses all 10 areas that need to be in balance so that you Love Your Way Slim.

I encourage you to read the blog and assess for yourself how you are doing with self-care.If you aren’t where you want to be, what will you do to make progress in this important area?

Email me and let me know.

With much love and appreciation,

Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP

Wellness Tip 



Making self-care your number 1 priority helps provide the positive energy you need to create optimal wellness and the vibrant life you want.


Courses & Offerings


Special Offer Ends September 30

$100 OFF Your Slim IQ!

Your Slim IQ is a fast and effective coaching process that will show you exactly why you are stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle. (And what to do about it!)In 60 minutes you’ll know your Slim IQ score, plus get crystal clear on how you can release the weight—for good!

  • A private, scientifically proven online assessment* tells you Your Slim IQ score.
  • A 45 minute debrief with Hanna shows you WHY you keep holding onto that extra weight or losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again—and what to do differently.
Get Access to Your Slim IQ for $100 Off at


Tuesday, October 1, 8 p.m. Eastern

Beautiful Inside and Out:

How Powerful Women Transformed Their Bodies

While Creating a Life They Love 

My guest in October is Tanya Penny, Stress Therapy Coach and Certified iRest® Teacher.After struggling for 20 years with MS pain, insomnia, anxiety, and poor self-image/body-image, Tanya has easily maintained her ideal weight, positive body image, and healthy lifestyle. Because of the profound healing she experienced, she has devoted her life to sharing the benefits of iRest with others.

We’ll hear about Tanya’s profound healing and how that helped her create a life she loves.

Join me for these LIVE no-cost monthly interviews with successful women whose physical transformations were key to creating the body—and life—they really wanted.


Being “Hangry” and Other Signs Your Self-Care is Out of Balance


Pretty often in the early days of our relationship, my husband David and I would be out running errands or doing chores when my mood would begin to drop.What was a pleasant outing would start to deteriorate.

Something as simple as his not following my suggestion to make a turn could trigger anything from irritation and crankiness to downright anger.

During these moments, David would turn to me and ask, “Do we need to get you something to eat?”

Almost always the answer was “Yes.”

The problem was I was “Hangry.”

The Urban Dictionary defines Hangry as, “When someone becomes irritated, angry, or cranky when they haven’t eaten and are hungry.”

If there is a now term like this in common use, clearly I was not the only one who suffered from this problem.

In fact, I believe most—if not all—of you fabulous readers have experienced this to some degree.

And unless you are consciously on top of your self-care, you may be experiencing Hanger—or other less than positive responses to situations, people, and events—more often than you realize.

In addition to struggling with your weight, symptoms of this can include:

  • Overreacting in response to your kids, pets, husband, and even co-workers.
  • Easily getting your feelings hurt.
  • Having to spend the weekend recovering from the workweek.
  • Physically crashing after completing a project or meeting a goal.
  • Feeling exceptionally stressed or overwhelmed over life experiences.
  • Feeling like you don’t have the energy to meet your goals or make your dreams a reality.
If any of these resonate, you may:
  • Not be drinking enough water.
  • Not be getting adequate sleep.
  • Not be scheduling time for exercise, preparing healthy foods, meditating, or relaxation BEFORE scheduling anything else.
  • Be making excuses about not making the time for exercise, preparing healthy foods, meditating, or relaxation BEFORE scheduling anything else
  • Not believe you can or deserve to make your self-care a priority.
The truth is, making your self-care your number 1 priority helps provide the positive energy you need to create radiate wellness and well-being and vibrantly live the life of your dreams.
Far from being selfish, self-care provides the fuel to respond to—and enjoy!—life, show up in your relationships as the person you want to be, achieve your goals, and give to others.
Making your self-care a priority helps you release stress and worry so that you spend more time feeling relaxed and happy.
Getting out of balance even a little bit by getting too hungry or too tired can result in a sharp tone of voice, or even barbs and criticism—often to the people you love and care for the most.Here’s the good news.

Unless you have a serious health concern that must be addressed immediately, you do not have to go from running yourself ragged to only eating organic foods, exercising an hour or more every day, and getting 9 hours of sleep.

That’s like going from 0 to 60 while driving through a crowded intersection. IF you are able to get to full speed, you won’t be able to maintain it.

Instead, start where you are.

Create a vision of vibrant and optimal wellness—and write it down. You should be able to feel the power of this vision when you read it. How do you want to look and feel? How will wellness affect your relationships? Work? Fun? Spiritual connection. Really, all areas of your life?

Determine 1 small thing you can do today that will feel like you are making progress towards that vision.

That could be 1 or more of the following:

  • Meditating or praying for 5 minutes once or multiple times a day.
  • Talking a walk 3 times this week–even if it is just around the block.
  • Ensuring you go to bed at a certain time every night this week to get enough sleep.
  • Looking at how frequently and how much you eat. Are you a 3-meal-a-day woman, or would 4 to 6 smaller meals a day better help sustain your energy?
  • Cooking a big batch of healthy soup or stew on the weekend and freezing portions for quick and easy meals during the week.
  • Allowing yourself to do more things just for the fun of it.
  • Getting a massage, taking a bubble bath, or doing something else to relax.
Just do the minimum that will help you feel good about the progress you are making.Do those things you commit to—no matter what.

Celebrate your successes every day and notice the increase in energy, self-confidence—and perhaps even patience and love.

Do just a little bit more next week.

Soon you will notice that not only are you happier and healthier—and are more often BEING the woman you want to be—but the people around you are happier, too.

Together we can do it!

About Hanna


Hanna empowers soul-centered women who struggle with losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again to break the rebound weight-gain cycle for good.She is passionate about helping women who are awakening to their true selves become confident in their choices and bodies so that they fall in love with who they are and the life they are living.

Hanna Goss is a nationally acclaimed coach, author, and speaker. As a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner, she is trained to listen and elicits solutions and strategies from you that will result in a customized approach to meet your individual needs. She provides personalized support during each step of your tailored action plan that will create successful and sustainable change.

Learn more about Hanna’s programs and services, or sign up for her free eBook, daily blogs. and wellness tips by visiting her website at