Love instead of weapons

A client last night was in serious distress.

A part of her that felt out of her control had acted in a way that contradicted her core values.

She had been less than perfect.

And she was mentally and emotionally whipping herself.

Her self-punishment was extreme for the “crime.”

No one else would ever have judged her as harshly as she was judging herself.

Anyone else would have forgiven her where she could not easily forgive herself.

She is not alone.

Many of the women I work with think they have to be “perfect.”

Not just perfect in their eating and exercise, but in what they say and how they show up in the world.

The truth is, you aren’t meant to be perfect.

One of the best ways for you to grow and evolve is to experience the diversity of life and figure out what you DON’T like so you can decide what you DO want.

If you were perfect, you would never learn anything, or get to challenge yourself or grow.

It would be as if everything in the world were yellow. And while you may love yellow, you appreciate it so much more if there’s a little blue, pink, or green thrown in for some contrast.

Seeing where you aren’t perfect is an opportunity.

Engaging in the process of figuring out what you DO want and practicing that is really where life energy flows.

It’s where you think new thoughts and gain new perspective and take new actions.

It’s how you sculpt and create the body of your dreams.

This is where the fun is! This is where you are truly engaged—and where releasing the weight is easy.

Let go of the need to be perfect or already at your goal.

Accept that you are where you are.

Ask yourself:

  • What do you want to learn?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • How do you want to grow?
  • Who do you want to be?

Now make a decision to move towards that.

Engage in that.

Learn everything you can about that.

Have fun doing that.

When you master that, look around and figure out where you want to expand and grow next. And then go after that.

This is life! This is thriving! This is creating the body you really want the fun and easy way.

Together we can do it!

  • Does your self-esteem crash when you step on the scale?

  • Do you wear baggy clothes to “hide” your body?

  • Is your job, partner, schedule, travel, family in the way of your losing weight?

  • Do you eat when you are bored, lonely, angry, or upset?

  • Is eating healthy foods and exercising something you have to “make” yourself do?

Are you ready to tap into the power of your mind and spirit

to create the body you really want?


To a special no-cost tele-seminar where I will reveal

  • 5 simple steps that you can take right away to begin breaking the “Diet Rules” and easily release the weight forever.

  • Some of the biggest mistakes I see women consistently make that keeps them stuck with extra pounds—and how to avoid them.

  • 3 essential mindset shifts you must immediately adopt to break free from dieting deprivation.

August 29, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

Capture How to Break the Diet Rules


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