see beaty


The other day, I watched a young boy walking alongside his mother.

He looked up at her with complete adoration.

It was clear that he thought she was beautiful.

I was glad to see her through his eyes.

It would have been easy to not fully see her.

She was not dressed well. Her body was heavy.

And my attention was on the boy.

I always look with appreciation at children, so it was the beauty that I saw reflected in his eyes that caused me to look up at his mother and pay attention.

And yes. She was beautiful.

She wore no makeup, but love radiated out of her face.

There was a lovely curve to her cheek as she smiled down at her son.

Her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown.

She held her son’s hand and playfully swung it back and forth.

The words she was speaking had her son’s full attention and he looked enraptured.

Yes. She was beautiful.

Regardless of how many others might have agreed.

Regardless of whether or not she meets society’s “standard” of beauty.

Her son looked at her and saw beauty.

And with his prompting, I saw it, too.

And one thing I know for sure . . . God (the Universe, Source, All-That-Is—whatever works for you) sees her as perfectly and exquisitely beautiful.

Young children teach us that the corruption of the definition of beauty is learned.

It often starts with the very women that we think are most beautiful.

We watched our mothers criticize their faces and bodies, complain about their weight, and compare themselves to others.

Then we began to feel judged and criticized.

The judgment of young girl’s faces and bodies begins early.

For instance, we greet little girls with, “You are so cute!” and we learn that this is most important.

Little boys can go shirtless, but we learn it is “wrong” for little girls to do so.

And as we feel judged, we begin to judge others.

Think about the messages you say to yourself.

Messages like:

  • “I have to have a perfect body, or I won’t be beautiful.”
  • “I have to have a certain kind of face, or I am not beautiful.”
  • “I have to be perfect, or people won’t love me or I won’t be successful.”

I wonder how that woman in the store sees herself?

Does she see herself through the eyes of her son—or the eyes of Source?

Or has she so fully corrupted her definition of beauty that all she sees is her flaws?

What it comes down to is that all of us have taken the word of those around us over the Word of All-That-Is.

We have bought into the lie and we have the audacity to tell God that She is wrong.

Your body is your body. Its curves and shape are uniquely you. Its size and contours are different from everyone else on the planet. It is that uniqueness that makes you beautiful, not your conformity.

The truth is . . . YOU are beautiful right here and right now. You may wish to create a different future—be slimmer, stronger, and healthier.

But that does not mean that Who you are this moment is anything less than beautiful.

Begin to practice finding the beauty in yourself—and others.

Relearn how to see through the eyes of a child—and God.

You deserve to see yourself as beautiful.

Together we can do it!

If you are ready to accept yourself as beautiful now . . . and consciously decide to create a healthier body going forward . . .  


To a special no-cost tele-seminar where I will reveal

  • 5 simple steps that you can take right away to begin breaking the “Diet Rules” and easily release the weight forever.

  • Some of the biggest mistakes I see women consistently make that keeps them stuck with extra pounds—and how to avoid them.

  • 3 essential mindset shifts you must immediately adopt to break free from dieting deprivation.

August 29, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

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