Day three of solitary confinement, and the dogs and I are plotting a prison break. . .


Who knew that the hardest part of surgery would be . . . the recovery?

Seriously? This is the part I was looking forward to enjoying! Seems I seriously underestimated my ability to relax, have fun, and just be.

After taking away the cookies from my inner-toddler yesterday, I had to listen to why she was still having a total temper-tantrum. Turns out I was ignoring her need for attention and fun.

My adult, responsible side had viewed this time off as an opportunity to study for my upcoming exam for coach certification. And if I felt up to it, maybe I would get some work done, too!

So I told my husband, David, to go back to work on the Monday after, and I told my parents not to come. I didn’t stock up on books or movies. “I can read the books I have,” I said. “I can watch the DVD’s in our library,” I said. “I don’t want to distract myself from what I need to be doing,” I said.

My inner two-year-old has had every right to kick-up her heels and throw an absolute fit. And now it makes total sense why she was falling into the cookies. It was the only outlet for fun I was giving her.

Lesson learned. David will be hitting the bookstore for me this morning and I have the TV all set up for pay-per-view so I can watch a movie—or even two! And I have every reason to believe that the responsible side of me will still get in some studying and all my doctor-prescribed walks.

While my situation is a little extreme, I suspect that many of you Fabulous Readers may be feeling the holiday stress, and be unable to find the “you” time to relax, have fun, and just be. You may feel that taking some time for yourself isn’t important.

Making your wellness a priority gives you the energy and stamina to take care of others. Often, our self-sabotaging behavior—like over-eating sweets—can be our inner-selves screaming at us to slow down, be present, and enjoy the life we’re living. It is a reminder that we are more than just this physical body going through the motions. Letting yourself have some fun will actually boost your energy level so you get more done.

And if you truly can’t find the time, how can you shift your attitude so you are having more fun doing what you are doing?

Together we can do it!

Photo by Ian Kahn