Winter Happy


Many women come to me with the goal to lose 30 pounds.

That’s great, but that will not be the reason they get out of bed every morning and take the necessary action to release the weight.

Often you have to look deep for your “Why.”

Having a powerful reason Why you want to achieve a goal will make a huge difference in doing the necessary actions—even when you don’t feel like it, or there are more immediately attractive options calling you.

At a minimum, you want a goal that is motivating. This is typically something in the future that you really want to achieve.

The challenge is, people often go off the wellness rails once they have met a motivating goal. Either you have to have another motivating goal ready to go, or you may flounder a little bit between goals.

For instance, I have a great friend who had an incredibly motivating Why. To support her mother during her recovery from cancer, she decided to run her first marathon.

She wrote her mom a beautiful letter outlining how running a marathon and recovering from cancer are similar, and how they will be taking on these tough challenges together.

And she did it! On those cold mornings that it was tough to get out of bed, my friend was lacing up her running shoes.

While she was rightfully super excited to meet her goal, since then she’s struggled a bit to find her motivation to get back to consistently running.

You want your Why to go beyond motivating, which is like a push from behind. It is force. It”s “Have to.” You want a Why that will inspire you. That feels like a pull and your true desire. It feels like it is moving you toward Who you truly want to be.

You want a Why that is so compelling you truly want to eat an apple instead of a cookie.

Looking good in a pair of jeans or a swimsuit is probably not enough to motivate you to do what you need to do to release the weight. Wanting to look good for a class reunion or wedding may be motivating, but it will be temporary. As soon as you hit that event, your healthy eating and exercise will go out the window.

What will truly inspire you?

This requires looking deeply into Who you want to be and releasing limiting beliefs about who you are, what you are capable of, and what you deserve.

Ask yourself:

  • Who would you be if you were allowing yourself to experience optimal wellness?
  • How would your life be different if you were radiating wellness and well-being?
  • What would you do with more energy, optimism, and enthusiasm for life?
  • What does being the best possible version of you mean for your life? Your relationships? Your community? The world?

Digging deep and finding your true Why will ensure that on the road to releasing the weight you never feel deprived. You are instead making the choices that give you an even greater sense of joy and purpose.

Whether it is motivating or inspiring, keeping your reason Why front and center is important. Making it so current in your mind that when you are faced with a choice, you easily remember your reason Why you are making the choices you are making.

What are the reasons you want to achieve your goal? Include the obvious, such as wanting to look good in a swimsuit, but dig deeper for those reasons that resonate with your heart.

  • Is it to provide a positive example for your kids?
  • It is to be healthy enough to run and play with your grand-kids?
  • Is it to inspire others?
  • Is it to reclaim your life?

What will continually inspire you to take the necessary actions? Only you have the answer!

Together we can do it!

Discover Your Why!

Are you ready to create a body and lifestyle you love? To successfully get to—and easily maintain—your optimal weight? To enjoy eating all the foods you love, and be healthier and more vibrant than ever before?

Do you want to wake up knowing you are at your physical and emotional best? To know your body is fit and capable of taking on every goal you’ve set for yourself? To be tapped into Universal forces so that your fitness and overall wellness feels guaranteed?

I have a few sessions left to talk with women seriously interested in creating they body they want in 2013. Email me today to schedule your breakthrough session.

Registration for my most powerful program closes Sunday! You must hurry if this is the program that feels like the solution for you.

Click here to join the Love Your Way Slim Coaching Program.