For the past several days, I have been more focused on what I don’t want then what I do want.

  •  I’ve been focused on not eating sugar instead of eating for health and wellness.
  • I’ve been focused on my worry over gaining weight instead of being confident in my ability to maintain my weight.
  • I’ve been focused on all the things I can’t do because I am recovering from surgery instead of what I can do.
  • I’ve been focused on being bored instead of milking every ounce of rest and relaxation out of this recovery time.

Just remembering that what I focus on is a choice feels so much better! With that reminder to myself, I will practice shifting my focus every time I notice that I am feeling out of sorts. Like magic, not only do I feel better, but I have more fun, my stress level drops, and life unfolds in a more beautiful way.

For many people, the holidays are a time where they focus on stress, too much to do, family squabbles, and maybe even judgment, disappointment, sadness, and loss.

This is all focusing on what you don’t want.

What can you do to shift your focus to all the opportunities presented by the holidays? Here’s what those new thoughts might look like:

  • I’m choosing to do these extra things because I love my family and want them to have the best holiday ever.
  • I will do what I can, and am willing to let go of those things that really aren’t a priority.
  • I am going to focus on how I show up at family gatherings, and will let go of past problems and expectations.
  • The past is over. I have a new opportunity right now to create a better-feeling present and future.
  • I recognize that the holiday season is about love, forgiving, and giving, and I’m going to demonstrate that to everyone I encounter.

Don’t beat yourself up if you catch yourself focused on what you don’t want. We all fall into that pattern sometimes. Just gently and persistently shift your thoughts to what you do want.

Practice focusing on what you want, who you want to be, what you want to do, and how you want to feel. What difference does that make in your life?

Together we can do it!


Photo by suphakit73 /