

Imagine you are at your optimal weight.

How would you feel? Confident? Radiant? Vibrant? Attractive? Powerful? Sexy?

Now imagine looking in the mirror. Describe the reflection looking back at you. What does she look like? What does she wear? What does she say to herself?

Take it a little deeper.

What decisions does she make? For instance, what foods does she eat? How does she exercise her body? What people does she hang out with? What does she do for fun? How high a priority is her self-care? What does her self-care include? What is her life like?

Can you envision it?

Allow yourself to feel how being your Slim-Self feels right now.

Feels amazing, doesn’t it?

Now, as you go through your day and make each small self-care decision, tap into that feeling and ask, “What would my Slim-Self do?”

  • How would she handle the temptation of the candy on your co-workers desk?
  • What decision would she make when it came time to move her body?
  • What would she say to herself when she was less than perfect?

Begin making your decisions and choices from the mindset and vision of where you want to be.

If you can’t envision her, write down the answers to these questions:

  • What does optimal wellness mean to you? Does it include how your body functions, as well as looks? What about your Spiritual connection? Is it included? What about how you show up in your relationships? Is that a part of your definition of optimal wellness?
  • Why do you want to be at your optimal weight? Go deeper than looking good in a pair of jeans. Find the core reasons that feel exciting and inspiring. It will be those feelings that make choosing an apple over a cookie come from a place of satisfaction rather than deprivation.
  • How does being at your optimal weight feel? Go beyond it feels “good.” Choose one word to describe that feeling. Now begin to feel that feeling as much as possible.
  • Who are you at your optimal weight? Get really clear on the decisions and choices you would be making if you were already where you want to be.

Optimal wellness is really made up of each tiny choice and decision you make throughout your day. At each crossroads, ask yourself “WWMSSD?” and then follow through with that decision. And celebrate each tiny step as a sign of progress.

Can you feel how this would begin to turbo-charge your transformation?

Together we can do it!