

The hardest part of a workout sometimes is just getting started.

I’ll be perfectly transparent.

This morning was one of those times for me.

I don’t even have a good excuse. There was no meeting to rush to or overexertion the day before that required rest. In fact, I’d already given myself the weekend to rest my body.

On a surprisingly chilly July morning, I was reluctant to leave my nice warm bed snuggled up with a dog, and then I lingered over “compelling” Facebook content.

Honestly, I was trying to get my head in the game. I was trying to remind myself of WHY I wanted to get up and how I wanted to feel today.

As my time allotted for working out dwindled, I turned off my iPAD and literally had to repeat out loud, “I will feel so much better after I work out. I will be so happy after I’m finished. I will be so grateful that I did this.”

I went upstairs and had a fabulous workout.

So how did I get myself up those stairs to get my workout in?

I know from experience that making my workout a priority will boost my energy and help me get more done than if I skipped the 30 to 40 minute commitment.

That time invested in moving my body pays off in WAY more productivity.

That is one of my compelling reasons WHY I get up and do my workout and eat healthy foods.

Having a compelling reason WHY you want optimal weight and wellness is key to motivating you to find a way to get the required action done, regardless of what is going on around you.

Let’s say I hadn’t gotten my workout in. Any positive energy I generated by luxuriating in bed and lingering over my friends social media posts would have been short-lived.

Guilt and self-criticism would have likely niggled at the back of my mind. Since I actually do have a lot I want to get done today, feelings of stress would have been amplified because I didn’t even get in my workout.

A lot of my energy that I can now use to create the day I want would have been wasted on feeling bad about myself, feeling like a fraud with you readers, or struggling to figure out when I might get my workout in.

That is unproductive mental energy that I could be using to help me successfully navigate my day.

By getting in my workout, I’m better able to respond to the challenges I’ll face and more easily see solutions. Every situation I face will be more like a fun puzzle that I want to engage with rather than a burden to carry.

What are your compelling reasons WHY you want optimal weight and wellness?

  • Perhaps it’s to have a strong, slim, and powerful body that is healthy and fully allows you to express your authentic best?
  • Perhaps it’s so you live a joyful and vibrant life?
  • Perhaps it’s so you have the energy to play with your kids or grandkids, and be fully present for your family?

Your reasons are your reasons.

Figuring out your heart-felt reasons WHY you want to eat healthy foods and move your body is critically important to releasing the weight—and keeping it off.

Having a motivating WHY is what will get you to the gym, going for a walk or run, or pushing play on your workout video—even on those days when the bed feels especially inviting.

If you don’t have a compelling reason WHY you want to get up and do your workout, chances are you will spend the rest of your day wasting the energy you thought you gained by skipping that 30 minute commitment.

What are the reasons WHY you want to move your body and eat healthy foods?

Look deep. Go beyond just looking good in a pair of jeans or swimsuit. Write a list everything that you can think of, and read that list daily.

Remind yourself of the things on that list next time you are tempted to skip your workout.

Together we can do it!

Time Is Running Out!

Discover Your Slim IQ and save $100! You have until Wednesday find out exactly how you are sabotaging your ability to be slim and sexy. (And what to do about it!)

Get Access to Your Slim IQ Here: http://loveyourwayslim.com/yourslimiq/