

One of the things that can kill your weight-loss momentum—or keep you from even starting to take control of your wellness—is comparing yourself to others.

Consciously or not, we do it all the time.

Magazines, television, movies, social media, etc., etc., all have pictures of women who are impossibly beautiful.

Too much time looking at these pictures and the next time you look in the mirror your “flaws” seem to stand out even more.

That’s why I love this blog that shows that celebrities don’t even look as good as they look in the pictures.

Many women compare themselves to an unattainable standard . . . of beauty, success, having to have it all, etc., etc.

No wonder it feels so bad!

But even if you are comparing yourself to your best friend, this may not be serving you.

A quick way to determine if comparing yourself to anyone else is beneficial or not is to look at how it makes you feel.

Does looking at someone else’s journey:

  • Inspire you?
  • Convince you that you can get the same results?
  • Make you feel like you are that much closer to achieving your goals?

If so, by all means continue to look and be inspired.

But, if looking at someone else’s journey makes you feel . . .

  • Defeated before you even begin,
  • Frustrated that they have it and you don’t,
  • Unworthy because you aren’t pretty enough, have the right body, aren’t doing it “right,” or haven’t made enough progress fast enough,

. . . than it does not serve you to keep looking.

Part of enjoying your wellness journey is recognizing just how unique your body, perspective, and life are.

  • No one else has your body or face.
  • No one else has had exactly the same experiences as you.
  • No one else sees the world the same way as you.
  • No one else will do things exactly the way you do them.
  • And no one else will have the answers that are right for you.

It is your uniqueness that is truly your gift to the world—and makes you beautiful!

It is only when you embrace the real you, your amazing body, your stand-alone looks, and your unique perspective and path that you can see how far you really have come.

By comparing yourself with YOU, you get a clearer picture of the amazing progress you have made.

It is when you allow yourself to receive the well-deserved credit and celebrate your progress—mind, body, and spirit—that you are truly inspired to continue your wellness journey.

Look back over your life.

  • What have you and your body been through together?
  • What have you learned along your wellness journey that’s been of value?
  • How has that helped make you the person you are right now?
  • What empowered decisions are you going to make now?

Your journey is your journey. Compare yourself to you and cheer your progress.

Together we can do it!

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