Be yourself


What are you putting off until you lose weight?

Women I’ve worked with have been waiting to:

  • Take that dream trip
  • Take that class
  • Join the gym
  • Join that dating network
  • Go to the beach/pool
  • Buy sexy lingerie/clothes
  • Apply for that job
  • Start their business
  • Take up a new sport/activity/hobby
  • Etc., etc.

What if the wait to fully live your life is actually adding to your weight?

There are spiritual, emotional, and core reasons this is true, but what it boils down to is being happier now gives you the energy to follow through with the necessary actions.

Think about that. You want to lose weight because you think it will make you happier. But the key to lasting weight loss is being happier now.

It’s a cruel, cruel world.

Often, this is the response I get when I tell women they have to be happy first.

Most believe that it is the releasing of the weight that will make them happy.

But think about it. When you have lost weight in the past, did your world magically transform? Were all your problems solved? Did little bluebirds come and alight on your fingers?


I can tell you from experience, the problems are still there.

Because the weight is not the Source of your happiness.

And reconnecting you with the true Source of your happiness is really the crux of the work that I do.

It’s helping you realize that you are not broken. You do not need to release the weight because it makes you “bad” or “less than” in any way. You release the weight because you are here and you prefer to be over there.

And you discover how to be happy every step of the way.

Then you see that there were solutions for every problem that were there the whole time. You just couldn’t see them.

This is an easier and much funner way to release that weight that positively impacts every area of your life!

But it is not a quick fix.  

It takes time to make the mental shift to being happy now when you have been putting off your happiness for a while. How do you allow yourself to be happy now when your happiness feels so tied to having the body you want?

You begin to do those things you have been putting off until you lose the weight.

You start doing them right now.

Easier said than done.

I totally get it. Stepping out to do something you thought you had to be slimmer for can  feel overwhelmingly scary.

So here are some tips for moving through the fear:

  • Think about all the reasons Why you want to do that thing you have been putting off. That can range from it just being fun, to helping you meet people and establish relationships, to helping you fulfill your life’s purpose. Get deep here. And write down EVERY reason. Read this list every day.
  • Think about how doing that thing will make you feel. Will it feel exhilarating? Exciting? Satisfying? Make a list and practice feeling that way right now. What are other things that make you feel that way? Imagine feeling that way. Pretend to feel that way. Whatever you need to do to practice feeling that way more and more often.
  • Think about how true it is that only slim people are doing what you want to do? Really? No one in the history of woman-kind who has had a less than model-slim physique has done what you want to do? Humm. Me think you doth protest too much!
  • Recruit a friend or family member to do it with you.
  • Ask for support from a Wellness Coach.

Recognize that you feel your greatest fear when you are about to step into your greatness. Being afraid  is often much worse than just stepping into it and doing what you want to do–anyway.

And the exhilaration and self-empowerment that you feel afterwards is magnificent! And those feelings will help inspire you to take the necessary actions to create the body you want.

What can you do today that you have been putting off? How can you use that resulting positive energy to help you reach your goals?

Together we can do it!