

What if the price you had to pay to get the body you want—and maintain it!—was to:

  • Be happy and joyful, and to have passion for life?
  • Relax, have fun, and laugh—a lot?
  • Tap into the core of who you truly are, which is pure and exuberant love?

How willing are you to pay that price?

If the answer is, “I’m in!” keep reading!

(Even if your answer is “That’s crap,” keep reading anyway!)

Chances are, you are not as happy as you know you could—or should—be.

You aren’t getting a deep belly laugh a day.

You feel stressed.

Here’s the good news!

You have the absolute power to make joyful your reality.

(Really, you do!)

And it’s easier than you think.

And that’s the key word . . . think!

Because getting that joyful reality has a lot more to do with your thoughts and beliefs than it does about the circumstances, people, and events going on in your life right now.

And it has A LOT to do with what you are focused on.

Are you thinking about, talking about, and seeing only the problem?


Are you thinking about, talking about, and excited about the solution?

If you don’t have the body you want chances are you are focused on the problems in your life more than the blessingseven if you think you are positive most of the time.

Here are some simple ways to test where you are. With each question, rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being Not At All and 10 being Totally.

  • How often does your life seem hard?
  • How hard is it to envision and describe what you really want?
  • How hard is it to feel what it will be like to achieve your goals?
  • How often do you feel like you have fallen short in achieving a goal?
  • How often do you feel like you aren’t living up to your potential?
  • How often does things like not enough money, time, support, etc., get in the way of you achieving your goals?

Here’s some tough love for you.

Unless you scored a 1 on all of these, you have some thoughts and beliefs that are getting in the way of creating the body—and life—you want.

And if you scored a 5 or higher, you may not even believe that it’s possible to score a 1 on these.

 Here’s the deal. 

You alone can pay the price.

No one else can give you enough happiness, or love, or peace, or joy, or security for you to have the Spiritual capital to pay this price–which is necessary for getting the body you want.

You have to pay the price of being happy . . . first.

To change the results you are getting, you have to make it your highest priority to shift your thoughts and beliefs towards what you DO want instead of what you DON’T.

Ask yourself:

  • How willing are you to insist that you focus on the parts of your body you DO appreciate—or at the very least stop criticizing the rest?
  • How willing are you to insist that you focus on the healthy foods you DO enjoy to eat—or at the very least stop beating yourself up about eating other foods you love?
  • How willing are you to insist that you only do or eat things you enjoy, and you stop the moment they no longer feel good?

Will you do it?

  • Will you let go of the struggle and fight?
  • Will you look for the solutions instead of dwelling on the problems?
  • Will you let yourself feel good—even when you or your life aren’t perfect?
  • Will you do more of what you enjoy—and less of what you don’t?
  • Will you cut yourself some slack for being exactly where you are—instead of being frustrated that your goals aren’t already met?

Is being happy now too high a price to pay?

Why not start right now?

Together we can do it!

Thank You!

I’m celebrating my 2 year anniversary of blogging!

Thank you for reading, commenting, and supporting me during this time.

If you have received value from my posts, I’d love to hear your thoughts on where I should go from here!

And I’ll give you the chance to get Your Slim IQ for FREE!

This is a $250 value!

I’ll randomly select a winner from all those who give me your feedback. You can provide a comment here, or send your answers in an email to Hanna@LoveYourWaySlim.com. 

  • What are the questions you would like me to address in a blog post?
  • What are your weight or wellness concerns?
  • What is getting in the way of your getting the body you want?
  • What do you like about the blog/posts/messages, etc?
  • What has inspired you the most?
  • What would you like to see change?
  • How often would you like to receive blogs?
  • How often would you like to receive wellness tips?
  • What do you need to help inspire you to get the body you want?
  • What do you feel is missing?
  • What other suggestions do you have?

I’ll announce a winner and the results on Monday, September 9. 

Thank you for your input!