
It’s discouraging.

You have been making healthier food choices and moving your body—and the scale hasn’t budged.

If you are working so hard and not seeing results, why bother?

Because the results you are getting are just not the results you are focused on.

But you ARE getting results.

  • While it may be unseen, your health is improving. Your body is repairing damage that it may know is a higher priority than reducing body size.
  • Your energy level is improving. Pay attention to how you feel during the day. Note when there is a little more pep in your step or you take something in stride that might normally trigger a mood.
  • Your physical stamina is increasing. Can you walk a little farther more comfortably? Aren’t so winded when you take the stairs? Are increasing the distance, weights, etc., of your workout? That is progress!

Stay focused on the changes you are seeing rather than the end result you so desperately want.

After all, when you are on a trip, it’s way more fun to notice and enjoy the scenery along the way rather than spending the entire time pointing at your end destination on the map and complaining that you aren’t there!

And you are much more likely to actually get to your final destination rather than turning the car around because you aren’t getting where you want to be fast enough. (Would you do that on a road trip? No, you would just keep going and know that you will get there. But you are doing that when it comes to losing weight.)

Look for and celebrate every sign of progress and dismiss anything that makes you doubt the journey.

Have faith that each positive action you take is creating meaningful change.

Whatever you do, keep going!

Together we can do it!

All You Have To Do Is Ask

I’m hand selecting a few women who will receive scholarships to 2 of my programs.

Love Your Way Slim Support Program
Research proves that attending support programs can boost weight loss by 225 percent! That’s the difference between 9 pounds and 21 pounds. The on-line support group and twice monthly coaching sessions with me will turbo-charge your weight-loss results. This program closes March 31.

Love Your Way Slim Beachside Retreat
The 4-days you spend in this soul-nourishing beachside retreat will help you tap into your personal power, embrace your true beauty, and get comfortable and confident in your own skin while creating a tailored plan of action that will help you transform your body in a way that works for you. April 22 to 25 in Charleston, SC. (Travel not included)

All you have to do is send me an email at detailing which program you are interested in and why you want to be a part of it.

If you seem serious and are ready to take action, I’ll schedule a call with you to discuss your goals and make sure the program is right for you. 

If you don’t apply, the only thing holding you back from the body you want . . . is you!

Are you be interested in either of these programs?

Let me know right away and let’s set up a time to talk.

Much love and appreciation,



Hanna Goss, CPC, ELI-MP

P.S.  These scholarships are limited! Only apply if you are serious about doing the work and want to join either the support group or beachside retreat. 

P.S.S. This is one of the ways I am giving back. I believe every woman should have the opportunity to create the body she wants. If you think one of these programs is right for you, but have been holding back, now is the time to act!