dance walk

When you exercise, do you love and adore your body? Are you having so much fun you wish you were doing your workout at other times during the day? Does moving your body help you tap you’re your sensuality and feminine power?

In this provocative TEDx talk, Sheila Kelley shares how tapping into your feminine power can help you in every part of your life—including getting the body you want.



The challenge is that all women have learned to be ashamed of your bodies.

Kelley shares that every woman has a “First Offense” that brought negative attention, judgment or shame to your body.

I vividly remember my “First Offense.”

When I was 5 years old, my father told me I needed to learn how to suck in my stomach.

Me blowing out the candles on my 5th birthday

Me blowing out the candles on my 5th birthday

Now at age 5, I wasn’t fat. But how I interpreted his comment was that he was telling me I was fat. He was telling me there was something wrong with my body.

I was a tomboy who always had scabs on my knees from falls and crashes on my bike. Shortly after that conversation with my father I remember for the first time being embarrassed at how my banged up knees looked and trying to pull my knee socks up as high as they would go to cover them up.

For the first time, I suffered from body shame.

From that moment on, I focused almost exclusively on my flaws, and what was wrong with me. And for most of my life, I struggled with my weight.

That was just the first offence. With every criticism or judgment we receive about our bodies as we grow and mature, we close ourselves off from our feminine power.

This is why so many women “hide” behind unhealthy eating habits.

Kelley says 80 percent of women in America feel something is missing and they have no idea what it is.

That “it” is reclaiming your feminine essence and reclaiming your body.

Near the end of the talk, Kelley invites every woman to, “Step into the grandeur, the beauty, the gorgeousness, the sway, the curve, the power, the fire of your body, of your spirit, of your emotions.”

Reconnecting with your feminine power is an important step in getting the body you want.

Together we can do it!