get moving



Deadlines, family emergencies, job pressure, money worries, illness—there are a lot of things that may trigger a stress response.

As a result, you may feel tired and low energy.

All you want to do is kick back on the sofa with a pint of ice cream and escape into the T.V.

But how much better do you actually feel?

When life feels overwhelming, often the first thing women let go of is their healthy diet and exercise.

As you probably already know, making the commitment to eat well and exercise will actually help empower you to see the opportunities in the situation rather than be a victim of it.

There’s plenty of science that proves that exercise strengthens the immune system, helps relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, enhances self-esteem, produces more restful sleep, and helps people more quickly recover from adversity and better cope with stress.

And you can start getting those benefits by committing to moving your body for just 10 minutes a day.

That’s all great, right?

You know you “should” be exercising. You know you “need” to get up and walk. You tell yourself that every day.

But you are not any more motivated to get up.

So forget all the health benefits.

Let go of any guilt about the weight you “need” to lose.

Stop making exercise “work” or “medicine.”

Instead focus on this 1 simple way to relieve stress, release weight, and improve your quality of life.

But here’s the thing.

It’s so simple, you may actually dismiss it.

You may think it’s too easy . . . or come up with all the reasons you can’t do it.

But this really is the key.

What is it?

Make it fun!

How did you enjoy moving your body (i.e. playing!) when you were a kid?

  • Did you love to walk in the woods?
  • Did you love to dance?
  • Did you love to ride your bike or hula hoop?

Tap back into the joy you used to feel while moving your body.

Also, what is the feeling you’re trying to get from watching TV, or whatever sedentary way you try to unwind? Do you want to feel soothed? Relaxed? Stimulated? Engaged? Connected to your family?

How might you more effectively get that from moving your body?

For instance, if you want to be soothed, maybe you’ll want to take a gentle walk around the block focusing on the sounds of the birds singing, kids playing, and noticing the signs of the seasons beginning to change.

If you want to feel connected, take your family with you!

Remember, all you need is to “play” for 10 minutes.

It’s a lot easier to get up off the sofa and go walk around the neighborhood if you focus on how much fun you will have and how much better you’ll feel afterwards.

Make a list of all the reasons you want to move your body and read that every day.

Read it when you first notice you are starting to focus on how tired you are, how bad the situation is, and how you really deserve to sit there and do nothing/

Life stressors aren’t going to go away. The only way to deal with them positively is to exercise anyway.

Do it because moving your body is recreation. It’s refreshing. It’s play.

Do it because it’s fun!

Together we can do it!

It’s Tonight! 

Capture How to Break the Diet Rules

A special no-cost tele-seminar where I will reveal

  • 5 simple steps that you can take right away to begin breaking the “Diet Rules” and easily release the weight forever.

  • Some of the biggest mistakes I see women consistently make that keeps them stuck with extra pounds—and how to avoid them.

  • 3 essential mindset shifts you must immediately adopt to break free from dieting deprivation.

August 29, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

Register Here: