A new way to think


“You have to clean your plate because there are starving children somewhere in the world.”

Just about everyone has heard this, right?

This is how our parents or grandparents often got us to eat—and to eat things we didn’t want to eat.

How much is that belief limiting you in any way? 

Stop and really reflect on this for a moment. What thoughts and feelings does the idea that you need to clean your plate bring up for you?

Now ask yourself, “How true is it that my cleaning my plate is going to benefit any of those starving children?”

Logically, it makes no sense that your overeating will help anyone else.

In fact, this belief can actually be harmful.

Cleaning your plate teaches you to disregard your body’s guidance that it’s had enough, and eating too much food is at the heart of being overweight, which has serious health consequences.

One of the things that holds us back from creating the body—and life—of our dreams is accepting limiting beliefs that we have picked up from others as truth.

How likely are you to achieve something if you don’t even believe it’s possible?

If you’re feeling stuck with extra weight, it can be helpful to look at the beliefs you’re holding and examine if they’re accurate or not.

Let’s get back to the belief that you have to clean your plate.

At the core of this belief is often a concern about wasting food.

But the truth is extra food in your body is just as wasteful as putting it in the trash. You can either waste it, or you waist it. To reach your wellness goals, you’ve got to love your body more than your leftovers.

A lot of times, seeing the flaws in your thinking is enough to help you move beyond it. But changing a long-standing belief can also impact underlying values.

For instance, it may be hard for you to let go of this belief because one of your values is helping others in need. What would be a more constructive action than cleaning your plate? Perhaps donating to charities that feed the poor?

Maybe your value around this belief is being sustainable. A more direct way to address that value might be to start a composting system or to recycle.

Resistance to changing this belief could also be fear—perhaps fear that there’s not enough so you have to eat more than you need. What are some ways that you can focus on the abundance that you do have in your life?

If you want to create the body you want, it’s worth looking at the thinking and beliefs you have going on.

Letting go of beliefs that don’t serve you enables you to create new thoughts and beliefs that do.

Together we can do it!

It’s Thursday! 

Capture How to Break the Diet Rules

A special no-cost tele-seminar where I will reveal

  • 5 simple steps that you can take right away to begin breaking the “Diet Rules” and easily release the weight forever.

  • Some of the biggest mistakes I see women consistently make that keeps them stuck with extra pounds—and how to avoid them.

  • 3 essential mindset shifts you must immediately adopt to break free from dieting deprivation.

August 29, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

Register Here:
