Keep Going 3


You’ve been struggling with your weight for a while.

Now you’re finally ready to make the necessary changes to lose weight!

(Woo hoo! You are on your way!)

And you want the end results right now.

(You just slammed on the brakes.)

Or you’ve been making good progress . . . and you’ve hit a plateau.

You’re frustrated and anxious to lose more weight.

(Again you’ve just slammed on the brakes.)

Your emotions are the equivalent to traffic signals.

Positive emotions, such as hope, eagerness, contentment, appreciation, and joy are green lights letting you know you are moving towards your goal.

Negative emotions, such as frustration, disappointment, desperation, guilt, and anger are red lights letting you know you have just stopped your forward momentum.

This does not mean that your negative emotions aren’t totally normal.

I get it.

You’ve been suffering from body shame and you want it over.

You’ve been doing everything “right” and you want results. Now.

But here’s some tough love for you.

You did not get where you are overnight and you will not get the results you want overnight either.

Think about it this way.

You would not get in your car and leave your house in North Carolina at 9 a.m. and expect to be in California the next morning. Even if you drove all night you would not get there and you would still have several more days of travel ahead of you.

It’s obvious to you that the trip to California takes time.

You’ve mapped out a route that you are confident will get you to California, but there could be traffic delays and detours. Or you may even want to stop and sight-see.

And you wouldn’t get back in your car after stopping to see the world’s largest ball of string and beat yourself up because you aren’t in California yet.

You certainly would NOT call yourself a failure for having stopped and turn the car around and head back home thinking, “I just can’t get to California.”

That’s basically what you are doing when you give up on your healthy actions.

Just as the trip to California will be a lot more fun if you go at a comfortable pace and enjoy the car ride to get there, you have to relax and enjoy your weight-loss journey.

Your getting on the scale every morning and being disappointed by the results is no different than having a kid in the backseat asking “Are we there yet?” every 5 minutes.

While your impatience is normal . . . it isn’t necessary.

Nor is it helping you achieve your goals.

Just keep moving towards your destination.

  • Enjoy each mile. Thrill in moving your body. Relish the healthy and delicious foods you are choosing. Take pride in your consistent action. Know you are moving towards optimal wellness.
  • Focus on the progress you have made rather than the distance you have to go. Your body is stronger today than it was yesterday. Changes are happening at the cellular level. Your clothes are looser. You have a more energy.

Let your emotions be your guide along the way.

Each green light helps you gain momentum. Keep going and you will reach your goal.

Together we can do it!

It’s Tomorrow! 

Capture How to Break the Diet Rules

A special no-cost tele-seminar where I will reveal

  • 5 simple steps that you can take right away to begin breaking the “Diet Rules” and easily release the weight forever.

  • Some of the biggest mistakes I see women consistently make that keeps them stuck with extra pounds—and how to avoid them.

  • 3 essential mindset shifts you must immediately adopt to break free from dieting deprivation.

August 29, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

Register Here: