Let go and see the magic

One of the things I frequently say is that self-care and self-love are a daily choice.

What self-care and self-love look like change over time.

You have to check-in with yourself.

And you will come to a place where you have to let go of what is no longer working.

For the past two weeks, my mind and body has been letting me know that it’s time for a change . . . and to let go.

  • Time to change my exercise. . . and to let go of any beliefs I have about moving my body that aren’t serving me.
  • Time to create more ease . . . and to let go of any self-criticism about needing to “do” more.
  • Time to focus more on my connection to Source and speak my truth . . . and to let go of any fear about how others react.

After taking 3 days off to meditate and relax, it’s clear to me that the upcoming few months will be a time to poke and prod around my thoughts and actions to determine what is working . . . mind, body, and spirit . . . and what isn’t.

Whenever you throw all your dice on the table, it’s a little unsettling.

You may not always get a winning hand.

For instance, I may try new exercise or eating plans and NOT get the results I want.

But I have been here before.

I know that is just information that will lead me to roll the dice again.

It’s a process of growth and expansion. The less I fear the process and try to hold on to how I have done things in the past, the more I will get out of it.

The good news is I have the tools to help move me through this, if I will just remember to use them!

One of the things I recognize is making me resistant to making these changes is fear about putting on weight . . . and how attractive that would make me to you readers and clients.

So it’s no surprise to me that since January I’ve actually put on 4 pounds.

This fear means I’m not giving myself any room to be imperfect, to try new things and be willing to “fail.”

But nowhere do I claim to be perfect.

If anything, I can recite my flaws more proficiently than anyone—which is one of the things I continue to work on!

What I realized this weekend is that if I’m not expanding and growing—and allowing my body and me to develop our relationship and communication even further—than I’m not serving you readers and clients anyway.

Here is what I know for sure. I will never “complete” my wellness journey and be able to slap my hands together and call it done.

What I am is a guide who has been down the road a ways and can give you the tools to help you find your way down your own road.

Because everyone’s wellness journey is different. I can give you the tools to navigate and support you on your trip—but you are the only one who can take the journey.

I’m telling myself what I tell my clients before we begin working together.

“Just accept where you are. You are just at the starting point.”

So I’m letting you know—change is coming.

If you find my journey and support of value, I’m thrilled to have you as a reader and client.

And if not . . . there are a lot of really wonderful people addressing weight from a mind/body/spirit perspective and I encourage you to seek them out.

As I change, my writings and teachings will expand and evolve, too. I’ll be looking for what works . . . and what doesn’t.

And I would value your opinion. Try things and let me know the results you get, and what resonates and what doesn’t.

I’m looking forward to sharing my journey with you.

Together we can do it!


To a special no-cost tele-seminar where I will reveal

  • 5 simple steps that you can take right away to begin breaking the “Diet Rules” and easily release the weight forever.

  • Some of the biggest mistakes I see women consistently make that keeps them stuck with extra pounds—and how to avoid them.

  • 3 essential mindset shifts you must immediately adopt to break free from dieting deprivation.

August 29, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

Capture How to Break the Diet Rules

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