Look for examples


  • “I just can’t lose weight no matter what I do.”
  • “I just look at cake and it sticks to my hips.”
  • “This is so fattening or unhealthy. I really shouldn’t eat this, but . . .”
  • “My body is so fat and ugly.”
  • “Getting fat and having your body break down is just part of getting old.”

Have you ever said things like this—either to yourself or others?

The majority of women have these kinds of thoughts and beliefs.

Not only does it make you feel terrible, but it’s keeping you stuck in the rebound weight-gain cycle.

Think about the words you are using. Notice the thoughts that you are thinking. Become aware of  the emotions you are feeling.

Here’s what you may be missing.

Your body is hearing and experiencing it all.

As Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan has shown, even water molecules are impacted by our thoughts.


On just this alone, imagine what your thoughts are doing to your body, which is made up primarily of water.

The truth is, your body is working tirelessly on your behalf but you are the captain of the ship. Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are impacting how your body looks, feels, and responds to the food you eat and the exercise you undertake.

How many of your body thoughts are positive? Are you primarily:

  • Appreciating the food you are eating and the nutrients you are providing every cell?
  • Feeling grateful for how healthy your body is, and all the activities you are able to do?
  • Praising the parts of you that are beautiful, that are functioning well, and that you are proud to acknowledge as yours?

If you are struggling with your weight, chances are you are thinking way more negative thoughts about your body.

You may not even be aware that you are doing it!

Each negative thought is undermining the positive action you are struggling to take. This is a primary reason why dieting and exercise is so hard.

You are unknowingly sabotaging yourself every step of the way.

Begin to pay attention to what you say, think, and believe about your body.

Are they helping you creating the body you really want—or not?

To change your experience, begin by softening the words you use.

  • You may be older, but your body is incredibly resilient. Begin to look for the many examples of fit, strong, and lean women in their 50s, 60s, even 70s, 80s, and 90s! Use them to help you believe that you can do it, too.
  • Catch yourself when you are being critical of your body, and shift your attention to something about yourself that you can appreciate.
  • Make a list of 100 things you appreciate about yourself (not just your body, but who you are, what you do, etc.) This may take a while, but the end result will shift your core belief about yourself.

Begin to pay attention to the thoughts and words you are using and remember that your body is listening.

When you give your body the love and support it needs, amazing transformations can happen.

Together we can do it!

Discover Your Slim IQ and find out exactly how you are sabotaging your ability to be slim and sexy. (And what to do about it!) http://loveyourwayslim.com/yourslimiq/ 

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